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Showing posts from October, 2023


Text :  2 Peter 1:3 His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness through the full knowledge of the one who called us by his own glory and excellence. God's divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness. However, you can only access these things through knowledge.  Have you ever wondered why some Christians are not living a life that shows the nature of the God they claim to carry? Or, have you ever wondered why you are not really leading a life  that depicts His godliness? Well, the answer is simple, our text says, His divine power has given us everything we need for life and godliness *through the full knowledge of Him* who called us.. So, it's clear that knowledge is key.  *It is one thing to have everything you need, it is another thing to lack the knowledge of everything you have.*  Anyone that lacks the full knowledge of the God that called him will lack the power to live the life expected of him. This is why...


Text :  2 Peter 1:2. Grace and peace be multiplied unto you through the knowledge of God, and of Jesus our Lord. It is clear from the  text above that Grace and Peace can and should actually multiply (increase) in a believer's life. This multiplication can only come about through knowledge. And not just any knowledge but the very knowledge of God. It is possible you have knowledge of many things, but the only knowledge that can bring about the multiplication of Grace and peace upon your life, is the knowledge of God and Jesus Christ.  One of the gifts that God bestows on any one who is in Christ Jesus is Grace. In fact, we are saved by grace. Ephesians  2:8 says *For by grace are ye saved through faith; and that not of yourselves: it is the gift of God:* Grace is the very initiator of your salvation.  In the same vein, Jesus assured us of His peace in our lives when God's knowledge  enters into our minds and our hearts.  Jesus said, *"Peace I leave wit...


Text :  Proverbs 20:7   A righteous man walks in integrity; blessed are his children after him. Integrity is not what you appear to be when all eyes are on you. It is who you are when no one is looking. Psalms  51:6 says  Behold, God desires truth in the inward parts: and in the hidden part He shall make me to know wisdom. As far as God is concerned, It's not so much about what you say with your mouth but what you're saying in your heart. Integrity is a level of morality below which you never fall, no  matter what's happening around you.  It is a high standard of honesty, truthfulness, decency, and honor that is never breached.  It is doing for others the way you would want them to do for you.  A man of Integrity says something and means it. A man of Integrity swears to his own hurt and does not change,  Psalms 15:4.  He is not a double-tongued man. People should know that you are a man of your word.  Let your Yes be Yes and yo...


TEXT: Philippians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; We shall continue to look at how you can get rid of anxiety.  Yesterday, we saw that one of the major ways to overcome anxiety is to simply believe in Jesus' instruction of  "Do not worry about your life..."  Apostle Paul also made the same remark in our text. He  warned us to "Be anxious for nothing..." Then he mentioned one thing you should do in order to drive away anxiety- PRAY. *To stay out of anxiety, you must stay in prayer.*  Instead of getting yourself worried over anything, God's word says you should pray about everything. (Philippians 4:6, NLT). Turn every worrying to prayer points and your anxiety will fly away. Anxiety takes away your peace. So, when you present your situation to God, the first thing He does in response to your prayer is to guard your heart and mind with His peace. When you see pe...


TEXT: Philippians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God; Today, we shall begin to look at how you can get rid of anxiety. First and foremost, you need to know that anxiety can be triggered by physical, emotional or spiritual experience.  Whatever the cause of the anxiety and worry might be, we are clearly warned by God never to be anxious.   Jesus warned against anxiety and worry that could be caused by our daily needs. *HE said, " not worry about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink; nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothing?* Matthew 6:25. You must know that *your life is of more value than all what you are nervous and anxious about.*  While we may excuse unbelievers' worries and anxieties, believers in Christ Jesus are inexcusable. We must simply yield to the Lord's warning that says: "...Do No...


TEXT: Philippians 4:6 Be anxious for nothing, but in everything by prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving, let your requests be made known to God;*  Anxiety is a major feature of a life that is lived outside of God. While anxiety can be a norm for people who have no trust in God, it must never be for any true child of God.  It is however quite unfortunate, that most of God's children live perpetually in anxiety. Anxiety is a strong sign of unbelief in a believer's life.  Let me quickly give you dictionary meaning of anxiety perhaps it will help. Anxiety is an unpleasant state of mental uneasiness, nervousness, apprehension and obsession or concern about some uncertain events.It is  an uneasy or distressing desire for something. God is always willing to set His children free from this state of mind, but the reality surrounding them always seem to be gaining upper hand against the inner peace that Jesus promised His followers.  For instance, Jesus is saying to...


Text Matthew 18:21-22 Then Peter came to Jesus and asked, “Lord, if my brother keeps on sinning against me, how many times do I have to forgive him? Seven times?No, not seven times,” answered Jesus, “but seventy times seven, Offences are bound to come as long as you relate and interact with people.  Jesus said in Luke  17:1 to His disciples that, it is impossible but that offences will come: but woe unto him, through whom they come!  *Offences are like a grenade (Bomb) that you must neither throw nor receive.* Either way, it causes destruction. You must always receive grace not to be an intentional offender nor a 'nurser' of offence.  From our text, Jesus taught what your response should always be towards offenders.  You must always forgive everyone that offends you no matter the number of times they offend you in a day.  Jesus' recommendation for forgiveness of offence in a day is seventy times seven. Since offence is bound to occur, then, it's important t...


Text :  Mark 11:25. “Whenever you stand up to pray, forgive whatever you have against anyone, so that your Father in heaven will forgive your sins. Forgiveness is a topic that cannot be overemphasised. In the New testament alone, forgiveness was mentioned 47 times ( in the king James version).  *Essentially,  you forgive for your sake. Forgiving your offender does more good to you than your offender.*  Without mincing words, Jesus said the reason you give forgiveness is so that your Father in heaven can forgive you your sins. That is, when you refuse to forgive or let go, you are telling God not to also forgive your sins. In Mark 11:26 Jesus says, "But if you do not forgive, your Father in heaven will not forgive your sins.” Note that we are commanded to forgive  not because the offender is not in the wrong but because it is not so much about the wrong but about you getting a platform to receive mercy from the Lord.  A wise man once said that unforgiveness ...


Text :  John 8:31.  Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him, If ye continue in my word, then are ye my disciples indeed; Basically, there are two kinds of disciples,- the professing disciples and the practicing disciples. While the former professed to be by words, the later follow in deeds, that is by actions. Now, the later are referred to as 'disciples indeed.' The disciples indeed are those who continue in His words. From our text, it's clear that not all who believe in Jesus are truly Jesus' disciples. While Jesus was addressing all those who believed in Him, He pointed out that only those who continue in His word are His true disciples.  It is good to believe, but believing alone is not enough,  you must continue to obey His instructions.  James 2:19 says You believe that there is one God. That’s fine! Even the demons believe that and tremble with fear.  Don't just profess to be a disciple just because you believed in Him, ask yourself: "Am...


Text :  Hebrews 1:9.  You have loved righteousness and hated iniquity. That is why God, your God, anointed you rather than your companions with the oil of gladness.” It's not enough to love righteousness, you must also hate iniquity. Loving righteousness doesn't necessarily means you automatically hated iniquity and vice versa.  Many well meaning Christians desire to be righteous but they do not have enough hatred for sin. Note that we have inputed righteousness,  the righteousness that God bestowed on you by reason of your faith in the Lord Jesus. And there's the righteousness you work out after you have received Christ.  1 John 3:7 says *Little children, don’t let anyone deceive you. The person who practices righteousness is righteous, just as the Messiah is righteous.* So you are not righteous just because you profess to be, but because you practice righteousness.  Practicing righteousness involves hating iniquity. Hebrews 12:4 says, In your struggle aga...


Text: Matthew 15:13  “...Every plant which my heavenly Father didn’t plant will be uprooted.   *Your life is like a fertile ground where seeds can grow into plant, take heed to what you sow and who sows on it.*  Though your life is God's, but you sometimes cooperate with or even allow the adversary (devil) to sow the wrong kind of seed on it. Some of the negative words or actions you have sown into your life, your marriage, career, children, business can be uprooted by the Lord if you so desired. This is because every plant which your heavenly Father has not planted will be uprooted. Often than not, the current situation you find yourself in, may be as a result of the seed (wrong words) you've sown or allowed the enemy sow in your life years back. Jesus once said, "For by your words you shall be justified, and by your words you shall be condemned"  (Matthew  12:37).   Your words either sow seed of justification or condemnation into your life- choo...


Text: Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap. Our text shows that it is self-deception when you sow, and you are not expecting harvest, or when you sow and you are expecting a different harvest.There is certainly a season for harvest. God said in Genesis 8:22 "While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease." Sowing and reaping  is one of the major principles which governs the earth. It is high time you come into this awareness. You cannot keep sowing to the flesh and expect to reap life everlasting. For instance, you cannot be sowing discord among brethren and be expecting to reap God's peace. (Proverbs 6:14,15 &19). You must desist from sowing wrong and evil seed henceforth.  Perhaps, you may need to take account of all the seeds you've sown in the past years, or even the one you are sowing now or about to sow. Please, critically exa...


Text: Galatians 6:7 Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.  *Whether you know it or not, you are always sowing. The question  is; are you sowing right?*  Your whole life is a seed that is being sown on this side of eternity, and you will reap it either in corruption or life everlasting. May the Lord continually grant you grace to keep sowing to yourself in righteousness in Jesus name. (Hosea 10:12).  You need to know that every of your word, action and inaction are seeds. Hence, you must be very careful how you sow and what you sow. For instance, Apostle Peter in 1Peter 3:10-11 is instructing us on how we can sow aright in order to reap good days.  "...He who would love life And see good days, Let him refrain his tongue from evil, And his lips from speaking deceit. Let him turn away from evil and do good; Let him seek peace and pursue it. From the above scripture, you can identify certain  seeds you need to...


Text:  Proverbs 22:1 A good name is rather to be chosen than great riches. and loving favour rather than silver and gold. The person who gave this submission was king Solomon, the richest king that ever lived (before Jesus came in person).  This was a man who knew what riches was. He was so rich that there was nothing his heart desired that he couldn't get. _"Whenever I wanted something I had seen, I never refused that desire. Instead, I enjoyed everything I did, and this became the reward in what I had undertaken."_ Eccl. 2:10. Solomon was not just rich, it was recorded about him that he was the wisest man (outside Jesus) that ever lived. Now, he is giving a word of admonition that you should rather chose "good name" over riches.  Good name (which is your reputation)goes beyond your real name.  Your reputation is what you are known for ; and what you are known for is your *real name.*  The only thing that will outlive you is your reputation.  Your reputati...


Text :  Psalms 42:1.  As the hart panteth after the water brooks, so panteth my soul after thee, O God. The desperate need of this generation is not for a greater number of intelligent people, or gifted people, but for deep people. There are too many shallow people in our world today.  Deep down within you, you desire a deeper and fuller living. Inwardly, there's a crave to delve into a deeper life in God,  the only obstacle is How? Psalms 42:7 says *Deep calls unto deep at the noise of your waterspouts: all your waves and your billows are gone over me.*  It takes someone with depth to crave for more depth, a shallow man has no desire for depth in any way. To go deeper with God, you need a holy dissatisfaction with where you're at the moment. You can't feed a full man. In the same way, God can't do anything with a man who has no need of Him and for Him. A man who is full of himself before God is the biggest fool of all times. Matthew 5:3 says Blessed are the poo...

The Plague Is Over

Text :  Mark 5:29.  And straightway the fountain of her blood was dried up; and she felt in her body that she was healed of that plague.  *Anything that brings shame is a plague. Whatever represents plague in your life, today, Jesus says the plague is over.*  God in His infinite wisdom and mercy had put His wisdom in some medical personnels to bring about solution to some of man's problems.  However, there are somethings that can only be resolved by His divine power only.  *A number of times,  What you consider as medical or physical issues are actually  spiritual battles.*  For twelve solid years, the woman with the issue of blood  had endured a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all of her money, yet she had not been helped at all, but rather grew worse.Mark 5:26. The spiritual realm rules the physical. Nothing happens by accident, everything happens by orchestrations,, either by God or by the devil. Hence, when yo...


Text: 2 Thess. 3:16  Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every way. The Lord [be] with you all. The peace of God in your life is not the absence of challenging situations, but the assurance of victory over every storm.  Jesus Christ, the Prince of Peace Himself was in the boat with His disciples in Mark 4:37 when a violent windstorm came up, and the waves began breaking into the boat, so that the boat was rapidly becoming swamped. What effrontery! The maker of wind and storm Himself was in the boat and yet, the windstorm had the audacity to raise its ugly head. This goes to show that the presence of Jesus in your life doesn't necessarily means the absence of unpleasant situations, however,  if you do what the disciples did, then you can be sure to come out victorious.  The disciples cried out to Jesus for help; He got up, rebuked the wind, and told the sea, “PEACE! Be still!” Then the wind stopped blowing, and there was a great calm. The Prince...


Text: 2 Thess. 3:16  Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace always in every way. The Lord [be] with you all.  *The adversary who is against your soul would want you to hear everything around you except for the voice of the great Shepherd.* John 10: 27. The devil wants you to hear the voice of fear, failure, oppression, depression, death, suicide, sickness, disease, lack, divorce, famine, war, conflict, terrorism, pandemic, insecurity, the list is endless, but he will do everything possible to ensure you are not hearing the voice of the Prince of Peace- Jesus Christ our great Shepherd. Jesus already told us ahead of time that in Him we will have peace, and In the world we will have tribulation; but that we should be of good cheer, He has  overcome the world." John 16:33. This is the voice that should keep ringing in your head all the time. Not only in your head, let it sink down into your heart and settle therein. If Jesus, our Lord had already informed you that ...


Text: Proverbs 3:28 Do not say to your neighbor, " Go, and come back, And tomorrow I will give [it,]" When [you have] it with you. Yesterday, the Lord began to point our attention to the care we owe our fellow human beings- Not withholding good from them to whom is due when you have the capacity to do it.  Today, we shall be  looking at the timing and turnaround time within which you are required to release the needed help to the one who deserves it. God's word discourages us from extending the time of your good deeds. Hence, God expects you to be prompt about the help you are giving. The only reason why you must not ask the person that is requesting for your help to come back, is because God  always wants to use you to provide instant   answer like Him. I will like us to consider the study text and the story of the good Samaritan. The Priest and the Levites had the capacity to give help to the wounded  man. But they did not give the help as at when due....


Text: Proverbs 3:27 Withhold not good from them to whom it is due, when it is in the power of thine hand to do [it]. You owe every one who is in need around you a duty of care. That is the reason God's word is asking you not to withold good from them to whom it is due, when it is in your power to do it. Three key words/phrase are very important in this study text. They are: 1. Withhold not, 2. Due, and  3. Power. Firstly, God does not want you to hold back your good from people that are in need. Sometimes, you may find it extremely burdensome because of too many requests from people ; and as a result, you resolve not to give to the next person that come asking for your help. God's word is very clear about what you should do- "Withhold Not."  The second key word in our text is "Due". This talks about the need of the person. Is the person truly in need of what he or she is asking for? If yes, then such needs has become the person's due. This is the singula...


Text: Genesis 22:14 And Abraham called the name of the place,* *The-LORD-Will-Provide; as it is said [to] this day, "In the Mount of the LORD it shall be provided." When Isaac asked Abraham, "My father!Look, the fire and the wood, but where is the lamb for a burnt offering?" Abraham replied and said, "My son, God will provide for Himself the lamb for a burnt offering." (Genesis 22: 7-8). Abraham's response revealed a strong and unwavering faith in the Lord. He believed that even if he had to sacrifice Isaac, then he would have been the Lord's choicest provision. He knew beyond reasonable doubt that the Lord will ALWAYS provide. Do you believe that? Do you believe that the Lord always provide for our needs.  On the mount, God appeared at the nick of time and truly provided a ram in place of Isaac. You must know that God is Jehovah Jireh, and He will always come true for you. Jehovah JIREH, meaning the Lord provides or the Lord sees is the one who is...


TUESDAY 10th, OCTOBER, 2023. TEXT: Matt 5:43-44. You have heard that it was said, ‘You must love your neighbor’ and hate your enemy.*   *But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you,*   *We live in an hurting world. A wounded soul is liable to hurt others. Don't add to the injury, instead give love even to the undeserving.*  Everyday we meet people who have been wounded by others or life situations. Some wounds are inflicted by parents knowingly or unknowingly.  Some  wounds are inflicted by spouses, friends, relatives, or even strangers. Regardless of the source of the injury, the bottom line is, we are surrounded by wounded souls. A number of times,  you will misjudge people when you judge them based on their actions and inactions, rather you should know that people react to life based on the template of their hearts. Now, love is a language understood by all. Yes, I know that  some people are so difficult to lo...


Text :  Proverbs 5:1. My son, pay attention to my wisdom, and listen closely to my insight, First and foremost, the people God is addressing in our text today are those whom He can call sons. There's a limit you can scold or correct someone who is not your child. So, the question is are you His son? Hebrew 12:6 says For the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he punishes every son he accepts.”  If you have not received any correction or rebuke from the Lord via His words or His servants in a very long time, then you should really question your sonship in Him. A number of times, you see well meaning parents disciplining their children for an offence committed by many children without disciplining the rest of the children.  This is because you can only punish or correct those that are truly yours.  A correct son sees discipline and correction as a show of love and not otherwise.  Proverbs 29:15 says *The rod and rebuke bestow wisdom, but an undisciplined child ...


Text :  Matthew 5:6.  When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell down in front of him, *It is wisdom to run to Him who has power to help you, infact, it is foolishness to hide from such.*  When Jesus demanded to know the name of the demon that possessed the popular mad man of Gadarene, in response,  the demons said "Legion", for they were many. Mark 5:9. In military terms, a legion is a unit or division of the army, usually comprising up to 3000 to 6000 infantry soldiers.  So if we are to go by the least statistics, about 3,000 demons reside in this man alone. This explains why he can't be tamed. Mark 5:3-4. However, when this man saw Jesus (even though from a distance), the Bible says he ran towards Jesus. Now, this is a supposedly possessed man who wasn't really in control of his senses, yet he ran to Jesus.  While this man was running to Jesus, the demons were still inside him. That is, he ran to Jesus with his problems. He wasn't waiting for his...