Text: Galatians 6:7
Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap.
Our text shows that it is self-deception when you sow, and you are not expecting harvest, or when you sow and you are expecting a different harvest.There is certainly a season for harvest. God said in Genesis 8:22 "While the earth remains, Seedtime and harvest, Cold and heat, Winter and summer, And day and night Shall not cease."
Sowing and reaping is one of the major principles which governs the earth. It is high time you come into this awareness. You cannot keep sowing to the flesh and expect to reap life everlasting. For instance, you cannot be sowing discord among brethren and be expecting to reap God's peace. (Proverbs 6:14,15 &19).
You must desist from sowing wrong and evil seed henceforth. Perhaps, you may need to take account of all the seeds you've sown in the past years, or even the one you are sowing now or about to sow. Please, critically examine yourself. Don't be quick in scoring yourself a good mark.
It will surprise you how much help the Lord is willing to offer you in order to uproot every bad seeds you have sown into your own ground (life) or into the lives of others.
You need the search light of the Holy Spirit to beam into your heart so that you can receive help from sowing wrong seed henceforth.
Some parents have sown the seed of discord in the lives of their children unknowingly. Some have even sown curses into the lives of their children, which will run unto generations yet unborn.
Some husbands have sown seed of low self esteem into their wives through continuous use of abusive words. Same go for wives who have turned their husbands into jelly fish without any self-worth and confidence through seed of demoralising words. Some Fathers have sown seed of bitterness into their children. Some Pastors have sown seed of greed, rivalry and lack of contentment into their members' lives in the name of prosperity preaching. The list is endless.
You must however know that, You are always sowing seed by your actions and inactions. Always think about the harvest days ahead, and the kind of harvest you may likely receive; these may help you reconsider the kind of seed you are about to sow today.
Bible reading:
James 3:1-13.
1. Father Lord, give me the grace to be conscious of the kind of seed I am sowing today and to refrain from sowing wrongly.
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