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Showing posts from October, 2021

Mr. Lot

Text : Gen 19:1 ISV  The two angels entered Sodom at sunset while Lot was sitting in the gate area of the city. When Lot saw them, he got up, greeted them, bowed low with his face to the ground, For the record, Mr Lot is a nephew of Abraham. Gen.12:5. When God called Abraham out of his father's land with the sole aim of cutting a covenant with him, Lot went with him.  Today, we shall be looking at the life of Lot in order to glean some lessons from him : DIVINE CONNECTION : By divine providence,  God placed Lot close to his destiny helper - Abraham. God didn't call Lot, He called Abraham and Lot went him. This was a good step in the right direction.  God knows about every little details of your life. You are not in the family you are right now by accident,  God placed you there. A number of times, because we are oblivion of God's operation in our lives, we run ahead of Him. The English man will say if the purpose of a thing is not known, abuse is inevitable....


Text :  1 Thess.  5:16   Rejoice evermore.  In Philippian 4:4 (ISV)   the scripture instructed us to: Keep on rejoicing in the Lord at all times. I will say it again: Keep on rejoicing! While Joy is a noun, Rejoice is a an action word(verb). So, Joy is a state which is being expressed as REJOICE. *One who rejoices is one who has Joy. True rejoicing comes from the well of Joy.* Only the Joyous can Rejoice. I pray that you will always see and have reasons for rejoicing in Jesus name. The scripture is clear about the context of our rejoicing- *IN THE LORD.* This is the only context that will always give you reasons for continuous rejoicing. If your rejoicing is in your wife, husband or children, there will be days they won't be there for you. If your Joy is IN your wealth,status or achievements, you will suddenly realise that they don't bring lasting happiness. *Nothing or No one in this world is capable of giving you a lasting Joy. Only Christ does.*...


Text : Matthew 12:37  For by thy words thou shalt be justified, and by thy words thou shalt be condemned. Your words are the expressions of your personality. Your words tell who you really are. The scripture says that justification or condemnation comes through your words. The two thieves by the sides of Jesus during his crucifixion revealed how true your words can either justify or condemn. While the thief by the left hand side of Jesus got himself eternal damnation through his words, the thief by the right hand was justified by His words. Luke 23: 43-49. The very first man that got the promise of Paradise in the new testament was a criminal. He got justified through his words. Today, you can also get justification with the right use of words. Romans 10:10. Most of the offences you commit are done through words(tongue). God's word stated it clearly that in many things we offend all. If any man offend not in word, the same is a perfect man, and able also to bridle the whole body. (...


Text : Gen 18:2 ISV  He glanced up and saw three men standing there, not far from him. As soon as he noticed them, Abraham ran from the tent entrance to greet them and bowed low to the ground. Everything big starts small. The human race, with our vast population today started with a man. The tallest man on earth started out as a baby. But a number of times, man is impatient to wait for the big moment. As a matter of fact, people miss opportunity for their big moments because they disdain the "little moments" along their path. Your big moment is your appointment with destiny,  a time ordained for you to fulfil your God Ordained destiny.  God promised Abraham that he will be father of many nations. Obviously, Abraham had to start by fathering a child first. At the fullness of time, God wanted to launch Abraham into his big moments,  but Abraham had to pass the test before he can fully qualify to be called the Father of many nations. The episodes that followed depicts t...


Text : Isa 26:3.  Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusteth in thee. The world we live in today is a broken world, this is because  man broke his relationship with God in the Garden of Eden. Since the world is broken, Peace(Shallom) has become a scarce commodity in our world. There is no peace between man and God; no peace between man and man; no peace even within a man as a being; no peace between man and the creations. Peace was taken away the moment Adam and Eve sinned.  This was the reason Jesus came to the world-to restore Peace! Truly, Jesus is the answer for the world today. Above Him there is no other, Jesus is the Way. It's now an individual choice to accept or reject the Peace Jesus offers. The peace this world offers you is no peace in anyway. Nothing in this world can give a man lasting Peace of Mind. Only God is our Shallom(Peace). When you critically look at the efforts of man to bring peace to his world, you will...


Text : Ephesians 2:10  For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. We established yesterday that you are God's workmanship recreated in Christ Jesus unto goodworks.  Today, we shall be looking closely at the good works we have been created to walk in.  Any good works done outside of Christ is tantamount to dead works. No work is truly good unless it is done through the person of Jesus Christ. Since only those who will be  accepted into God's kingdom would receive reward for their good works. Anyone doing good works without believing in  Jesus shall suffer loss of his one very life needless to talk of  the reward  for his good works. Apostle Paul said to Titus, one of his disciples  in Titus  3:8, " _This is a faithful saying, and these things I will that thou affirm constantly, that they which have believed in God might be careful to maintain good works. Thes...


Text : Ephesians 2:10  For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus unto good works, which God hath before ordained that we should walk in them. All men are created by God, but not all have been recreated in Christ Jesus. Anyone who is not recreated in Christ Jesus will not be able to fulfill what God had predestined for  him(God's purpose).  TO BE CREATED IN CHRIST JESUS IS TO BE BORN AGAIN(John 3:3). You are the piece that God has created. The workmanship, product or craftsmanship is determined by the Producer, or artisan. The quality and excellence of what is produced is dependent on the producer. Your product shows who you are. So, if you are God's product, it simply shows who He is. The scripture says that you are fearfully and wonderfully made....Psalms 139:4. This shows to you that your Producer(God) is a wonderful and fearful Being.  Imagine the great feat, innovations and discoveries humans have been achieving in our world today. All these are pointer...


Text : 1 Corinthians 1:29 That no flesh should glory in his presence. Anything you do that is not of the Spirit is of the flesh. God is not in anyway honoured by any output from from the flesh. If it is not of the Spirit, then it is not good enough for God's Glory. And if it is not of the Spirit, it is not of faith. This was the case in Cain and Abel's sacrifice. Anything you do outside of Faith is a sin. Rom. 14:23 It is sin because it's of the flesh.  The reason you cannot please God without faith is because Faith is an act of the Spirit. It is void of the flesh. Faith glides on that which is not seen. Flesh is one thing that man inherited after the fall of Adam. Flesh is the life that man lives by. Flesh is the very Life of the fallen man.  God's glory cannot be carried by the flesh. Though the flesh can also carry his own type of glory. The scripture says that all the flesh is as grass. Even the glory upon the flesh (grass) is flower. 1Peter 1:24. You can imagine th...


t : 2 Pet 1:6. And to knowledge temperance; and to temperance patience; and to patience godliness; Today, we shall be looking at Patience as one of our necessary additions to faith. Humans are impatient by nature. We want everything NOW. Instant noodles, instant camera, instant foods, readymade husband or wife and the list is endless. These are all means designed by man to satisfy his need of urgency. The reason many end up in wrong marriages today is basically because of lack of patience,  a little more patience will save you from lots of troubles. According to the English dictionary, patience is the willingness to wait for something if necessary; without  losing one's temper while waiting. If he is the right person for you,  he will wait for you,  he wouldn't rush you into ungodly practices, ditto for the girl too. Therefore thus saith the Lord GOD, Behold, I lay in Zion for a foundation a stone, a tried stone, a precious corner stone, a sure foundation: He ...


Text : 2 Peter 1:5.  And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; We established yesterday that for your good works to count, it must be built on your faith in Christ. However, your life as a Christian will not be beautiful and can't bring glory to God if you refused to work on putting the necessary additions.  Today, we shall be looking at knowledge as one of the necessary additions to faith.  KNOWLEDGE: It is interesting to know that it is your responsibility as a child of God to seek for knowledge. Knowledge wouldn't just drop on your laps, you have to desire it and you have to seek for it.  Many have zeal for God albeit without knowledge, yet, ignorance is not an excuse  anywhere. Therefore, get enlightened. Romans  10:2 says  For I bear them record that they have a zeal of God, but not according to knowledge. Zeal without knowledge will only make you a religious person.   Grace and peace will only ...


Text : 2Peter 1:5. And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; As a child of God, there  are some necessary additions you need to add to your faith.  Anyone who lacks  these qualities is blind, shortsighted, and has forgotten the cleansing that he received from his past sins. 2Peter 1:9. If all disciples of Christ are indeed giving all diligence to add these necessary additions, this world would have been a better place for all. We shall attempt to look into some of these additions according to 2Peter 1:5 - And beside this, giving all diligence, add to your faith virtue; and to virtue knowledge; 1.) VIRTUE : The first addition here is Virtue. Virtue talks about moral character. Anyone who professes  faith in Christ but  deficient in character cannot lead a life that brings glory to God. Math. 5:16 says Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. D...


Text :John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. The Truth goes beyond what you say or express in words, the truth is actually the person of Jesus Christ. No man, Prophet or any other acclaimed messenger of God can boldly say, "I am the Truth" Only God is True! And for Jesus to say boldly that He is the Truth that affirms His position in the Triune God.  _"...Let God be true, but every man a liar..."Rom. 3:4_  While Jesus is the Truth, the devil is the Lie. Jesus is Truth personified and devil is Lie personified. Everything about the devil is a lie. His words, gifts, offerings, assaults and promises are all lies. There is no iota of Truth in him. Satan's dialect(mother tongue) is Lie (John 8:44). So, when a person likes to tell lies, such person is only showing forth the presence of Satan in his heart. Peter said to Ananias in the book of Acts, " _why has Satan filled your heart to lie to...


Text :John 14:6 Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me. Jesus is not just a Way, but He is _THE WAY!_ He is the only WAY that leads to life. He is the only WAY that leads to God. Sometimes, when you are on a journey to a particular destination, there could be many routes or way you can use in order to arrive in your destination. In this case, you have the privilege of choosing from your options. However, when you want to journey into God, the only route that is available is Jesus Christ.  The early followers of Christ were being  addressed as people of the Way. Acts 9:2. Many people may be confused and confounded but those in Christ should never be. As a person of the way, you must not accept the arrows of confusion in your life. No one who genuinely follows Christ will be lost. Even in your day to day decision taking you cannot miss it if you genuinely follow the way.  When you are in the Way(Jesus), your ste...


Text :John 14:6  *Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.*  When Jesus was about to depart from His disciples in the flesh, He told them that they knew where He was going (His destination) and the Way(Path) to get there. One of His disciples (Thomas) replied, "Lord, we know not where you are going; and how can we know the way?"  *Knowing your destination is very important in life, but knowing the Way to your destination is much more important* . Many folks from different religious sects know their destination (presumably). They know there is God, they know there is heaven and they are willing to go to God but they do not know the way to God.  Few days ago, my seven years old boy asked me, " Where are you going?" For lack of right answer to give (Since no particular place was in mind), I replied "I don't know". Immediately,  the little boy replied, "you have to be careful o,  because   ...


Text : Rom 1:28. And even as they did not like to retain God in their knowledge, God gave them over to a reprobate mind, to do those things which are not convenient; There's an important legal principle that says “ignorance of the law is no excuse.”  The same law is so true in spiritual matters too. Your ignorance will not excuse you from its resultant consequences.  Spiritual ignorance only makes you a soft prey to the enemy, SEEK KNOWLEDGE.  Ignorance's price is too high,you can't afford it.GET UNDERSTANDING. To be ignorant is to be unknowledgeable or uneducated about something or someone. That is, spiritual ignorance is someone who is uneducated or unknowledgeable about spiritual things.  Now there are two categories of spiritually ignorant people. First are those who are truly ignorant because they have no access to spiritual education. These people are described in Romans 10:14 _How then shall they call on him in whom they have not believed? and how shall they b...


Text : James 2:1  My brethren, have not the faith of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Lord of glory, with respect of persons. It is common with man to make false distinctions between the poor and the rich. Man generally tends to respect, revere and show favouritism to the rich over the poor. The grievous thing is that this sin is also in the church.  James in 100AD pointed out this in order to correct the church. He warned them sternly not to allow the faith they have in the Lord Jesus to be tainted by favoritism.  " _My brothers, do not let your faith in our glorious Lord Jesus, the Messiah, be tainted by favoritism"_ (James 2:1 ISV). So many people's faith in our churches today have been tainted by favoritism and partiality. For whatever reason, such is unacceptable to the Lord. Our Lord Jesus would have us honour and revere all men  alike, 1 Peter 2:17. While the world system honours the rich above the poor, this is not acceptable in the Faith that we proclaim. Jesus sa...


Text : Isa 40:31. But they that wait upon the LORD shall renew their strength; they shall mount up with wings as eagles; they shall run, and not be weary; and they shall walk, and not faint. This verse opens with a "but" because there has been some discourse in the preceeding verses. To have a better grasp of today's text, let's take a brief look at the preceeding verses. He giveth power to the faint; and to them that have no might he increaseth strength. Even the youths shall faint and be weary, and the young men shall utterly fall: Isa.40:29-30. One key feature of the youth is their strength. Proverbs 20;29 says the glory of the youth is their strength. But here, we are made to understand that even the strength of the youth will fail him. While we are still on this side of eternity, everyone will have his down times at one point or the other. There are times when nothing seems to work. Times when morales are low. Times when your beauty, your strength, your  relation...


Text : Mathew 5:44. But I say to you, love your enemies, and pray for those who persecute you, It's common to see and hear people talk about Grace today in a way that is not in consonance with the scriptures. God's word is so clear about this matter, but people only hear what they want to hear. We paint things according to the colours of our minds.  The preachers and carriers of hyper-grace teachings pretend as if some parts of the scriptures are not included in their Bible.  Hear what Jude, a brother of Jesus in the flesh has to say about them:  _For some people have slipped in among you unnoticed. They were written about long ago as being deserving of this condemnation because they are ungodly. They turn the grace of our God into uncontrollable lust and deny our only Master and Lord, Jesus the Messiah.Jud 1:4 ISV_   It is great wisdom to run away from false teachers and prophets,   avoid them like plagues, because they carry plagues with them.  ...


Text : John 15:2  *Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit.*  We have often interpreted the fruit in John 15:1-17 as soul winning. Yes, it could rightly fit into that as soul winning is  also fruit bearing effort that must be pursued by every well meaning believer. No parent is happy seeing his child grow up into adulthood, married and unable to bear fruits of the body.  In the same manner, the angels before God has no reason to rejoice when we are not bringing sinners into God's kingdom. (Luke 15:10). It's a big concern today, that many believers have left the work of witnessing to few folks in the church called "Evangelism unit"  Just as you are not expected to leave your personal prayer needs to intercessors or prayer band in uour local church, so also, you must not neglect the work of telling your family members,  friends, classmates, course mates, a...


Text : John 15:2 Every branch in me that beareth not fruit he taketh away: and every branch that beareth fruit, he purgeth it, that it may bring forth more fruit. Jesus is the Vine, the Father God is the Vinedresser and you are the branch. The only parameter by which you become a branch is simply believing in the  Lord Jesus. You however need to do more than believing to remain in the vine- You must bear fruit. Any branch(believer) in the Vine that refuses to bear fruit shall be taken away.   _If a man abide not in me, he is cast forth as a branch, and is withered; and men gather them, and cast them into the fire, and they are burned._ John 15:6. Abiding in the branch is the only thing that guarantees your fruitfulness. It is not a on and off connection. It is a perpetual and continuous connectivity.  Your fruit bearing is determined by your abiding in Jesus, and to abide in Him is to keep His commandment. So, you abide by keeping commandment. The commandment is the ...


Text :  John 15:1   I am the true vine, and my Father is the husbandman. The husbandman, God the Father has planted Jesus as the Vine in our world that many branches might be released through Him for the purpose  of fruit bearing. John 15:2. The Vine is planted and nurtured by the Father. The location where the  Vine is planted is solely determined by the Father. The Vine can of his own, do nothing. If the Vine can of  his own do nothing, so also the branch. You must totally depend on Jesus for the supply of all your strength and wisdom. Jesus said verily, verily, I say unto you, The Son can do nothing of himself, but what he seeth the Father do: for what things soever he doeth, these also doeth the Son likewise.John  5:19. As a branch in the Vine, all that is expected of you is to uninterruptedly draw nutrient from the vine. If you allow anything come in between you and the Vine, you will not be able to draw full vitality and as a result, your fruit- ...


Text : Math. 28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. The hallmark of a disciple of Christ is teachability. Those that has been taught by Christ are saddled with the responsibility of teaching others. While Jesus was here on earth, He taught His disciples day and night. When He was about leaving, He told them He will send them another comforter who will teach them all things. John 14:26. That is, for a disciple of Christ teaching is ongoing. When you refused to be taught, you are simply removing yourself from the school of the Spirit. Now, after Jesus had died and resurrected and was about ascending to the Father, He gave His disciples (which includes you and I,) this great commission... “All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Therefore, as you go, disciple people in all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, and the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching t...


Text: Philippians 2:9 Wherefore God also hath highly exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: Name is as important as the personality, because it shows identity, power, and capacity of its carrier.  Jesus' name carries with it a great power and potency.  God exalted Jesus and gave Him a name that is above every name. Note that the name was given after He died and rose again. Jesus earned the name through the things he sacrificed and suffered. Philippians 2:5-8. You must learn the wisdom of how the name of Jesus works. It is not just about chanting and shouting the name that makes it work, but it's about your Faith in the name.  The name of Jesus without faith in Him,  is like holding a debit (ATM) card that is having an account balance in excess of 1trillion dollars but you don't have the PIN with you.  So, the name of Jesus is like the debit card, anyone can actually access this but not the PIN. And the PIN is what guarantees your withdrawal...


Text::  Philippians 2:5  _Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus:_ Today we shall be looking at the second kind of mind that Christ possesses. "......And being found in fashion as a man, he humbled himself, and became obedient unto death, even the death of the cross" Philippians 2:7-8 Christ,  having been found in fashion as a man, still went further deep low to humble Himself even before man.  Humility is one of the basic features of our God.  Hence,  we saw Christ demonstrated same before us.  Jesus Christ, being the creator of all creation and creature, submitted Himself to be molested by His creature in order to save them.  (colossians 1:15-17). He was beaten,  spat on,  openly disgraced and crucified by His own very handiwork,  yet He did not revile back. Acts  8:32 says "...He was led as a sheep to the slaughter; and like a lamb dumb before his shearer, so opened he not his mouth" Our Lord showed us the k...


Text:  Psalms  60:11  Give us help from trouble: for vain is the help of man. Nigeria, the country with the largest population in Africa, celebrates her 61st independence today.  Today, while the few evil men and politicians who have robbed the country of her glory and destiny since inception may be rejoicing, several millions within the country and all over the world will be asking the Lord: When Lord ? When shall we be delivered from the grip of wicked and evil leaders that have ravaged the nations of Africa and her giant(Nigeria)?  Now the giant has become a scorn amongst the Nations of the earth.   Perhaps God is counting on you, like Esther to intervene at such a time as this. All that Queen Esther did was to ask her kinsmen to pray and, thereafter she appeared before the King.  If you would lend your voice to that of mllions in  and outside Nigeria and ask the Lord for mercy,  He will surely heal the Nation. 2Chronicle 7:14. If you...