Text: John. 15:1-2. “I am the true vine, and My Father is the vineyard keeper.2 Every branch in Me that does not produce fruit He removes,and He prunes every branch that produces fruit so that it will produce more fruit. in the natural, trees don't struggle to produce fruits provided that all things are equal. These "all things" include factors like the soil, the sun, water etc. The same thing applies in the Spirit. As a matter of fact, all the factors responsible for fruit bearing in the life of a child of God are more constant than what obtains in the natural. The Almighty God is the Vineyard dresser or the Gardener. Unlike the natural tree, you are not even the tree, Jesus is, you are only a branch in the tree. This implies that all the nutrients necessary for your productivity would be aptly provided. The only thing you are required to doas a branch is to abide(stay or remain) in the Vine. Once you are in Him, and His word is in ...
The Lord gave the word: great was the company of those that published it (Psalms 68:11) His Voice Devotional(HVD) seeks to help believers and non-believers learn more about God through His word. As we live in a fast-changing and busy world, we also must devise means of carrying the VOICE of God with us at every point in Time. This is the purpose for His Voice Devotional (HVD)