Text:Romans 11:35
Or who hath first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again?
God is the source of all life and all things both in heaven and on earth. No man has ever first given to Him.
*No man has ever given to God what he has not first received from Him.* Whatever you do or give in God's name is actually a by product of what you have received from Him.
Abraham, having waited for many years for the promised child, God finally gave him Isaac. Few years after Isaac arrived, God went to Abraham saying "Take your son, your only son—yes, Isaac, whom you love so much—and go to the land of Moriah. Go and sacrifice him as a burnt offering on one of the mountains, which I will show you." (Genesis 22:2).
Before this time, the Lord had made it clear to Abraham that He is his shield and exceeding great reward. (Genesis 15:1). So, God came to test Abraham, to see if he is fully committed to Him to the extent of giving Him back what He gave first.
First, God gave Isaac to Abraham, hence He expects Abraham to be able to give Him back.
In the same vein, you must understand that God will never ask you to give whatever He has not given to you first. He only wants to see if you are willing to give Him back from all He's given you.
Abraham passed this test which many believers are yet to come to terms with. We debar our children from following the Lord because we have not come to terms with the fact that He gave them to us first. We hold unto money, refusing to give to the cause of His kingdom because we have not realized that He is the one who gave us the money in the first place.
A song writer once wrote thus: " All I have, they are given to me by the Lord." You may need to ask yourself, " what do I have that I have not received from the Lord"
1 Corinthians 4:7 also says, *"...What do you have that God hasn't given you? And if everything you have is from God, why boast as though it were not a gift?"(1 Cor. 4:7)* .
You will be more than willing to give to God, His kingdom and humanity in general the very moment you understand that He's the giver of all things.
Always remember that God gave you first, so you can freely give back to Him from all that He has given you.
Bible Reading:
Genesis 22:1- 13.
Father Lord, help me to know that all that I have are from you and help me to be willing to let go when requested .
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