Text:Romans 11:35
Or who has first given to him, and it shall be recompensed unto him again?
The Lord is asking us a very important question through our study text today. He is asking you, if you have given to him first, He will recompense you back.
The height of all deception is to think that one can give to God first. There is nothing you have ever given or will ever give to God that you have not first received from Him.
Today, we shall be looking closely at Abraham's response to God's demand of Isaac. To part with our children as goodly parents can be a very tough decision.
Kris Vallotton of Bethel Church (USA) once shared his own tough experience where he had to release his two daughters to join other teens that would be going to minister in China. It was a difficult and deadly decision to make. His daughters however reminded him of how he has taught them about commitment and sacrificial living to God.
He eventually allowed them. Though, they were confronted with challenges while in China, but the Lord delivered them both at the end.
As a parent, you must always be willing to give your children to God unconditionally without any reservation just like Abraham gave Isaac to God.
As parents, you must know that God is the one who has given you your children in the first place, hence, you must be willing to freely and unconditionally commit your children to God. You must trust the LORD who has given your children to you as His heritage.
Abraham had never read or heard before at any point in time where God made a request of anyone's child to be offered as a sacrifice, but when he received such instruction, he promptly embarked on a journey to obey the Lord.
At this point, God was using Abraham to demonstrate man's love for Him as well. Though, He gave His own first from the very foundation of the world.(Revelation 13:8), yet he found a man who could see into what He had done before the foundation of the world.
God is counting on you to freely give your all to Him, because He has given you His ALL as well.
*Abraham became the Father of many Nations simply because he gave his ALL to the One who gave His ALL to ALL humans first.*
May you always receive all the grace needed to give your ALL to Him who has given you His ALL.
Bible Reading:
Genesis 22:1- 13.
Father Lord I receive the grace to be to give my ALL to you unconditionally.
*_You can now listen on Spotify_* https://open.spotify.com/show/72q4KLmKs0KBPdVs8bUDSE?si=BeadDR2MTSqBMvufTDEFMg
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