Text : Ecclesiastes 11:4
He that observes the wind shall not sow; and he that regards the clouds shall not reap.
Dictionary defined excuse as explanation provided with the aim of alleviating guilt or negative judgement. But I will like to define excuse as any reason given to defend one's failure to perform or to deliver the needful.
As simple as excuse might appear, it is one of the subtle but dangerous weapons the devil uses against God's people.
It will surprise you to know that many on the day of judgement will have one excuse or the other for which they couldn't follow the Lord while on earth. The unfortunate thing however is that, when we stand before the Lord, we can't give any excuse!
The enemy always supply you with one thousand and one reasons why you can't do something. You've cooperated enough, it's time for you to deliver yourself from all manner of Excuses.
If you always have genuine reason(s) why you cannot pray, study the word, fellowship with the brethren, reach out to the lost, give to kingdom's course, serve the Lord, stop sinning; just know that you are being attacked by the enemy. Simply ask the Lord to forgive and help you instead of defending the devil by giving excuses. When you give excuse for not keeping up with your spiritual obligations and duties, you are simply defending the devil.
You must know for sure that whatever excuse that keeps you away from following the Lord, loving Him and doing His Will are from the pit of hell. No matter how genuine or legitimate your excuse might be, once it keeps you from doing the Will of God, just know that you are simply defending the course of the devil against your own very soul.
Before we commence looking into our study text and bible reading, I will like to encourage you to take out like 10minutes and list out all the excuses you always give for not obeying the Lord's command as you ought to.
*There is no excuse genuine enough that can justify you not obeying the Lord. Why? He never commanded you to do what He's not given you capacity to carry out*
*Bible reading:*
Luke 14:16-21.
1.) Father God, I receive grace to be delivered from every kind of excuses that I always give to defend the course of the enemy in my life in Jesus name.
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