Text : Romans 13:11
And do this, knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep; for now our salvation is nearer than when we first believed.
God is calling out to you this day to wake up from your sleep. The singular reason for which we must awake out of sleep is because our salvation is nearer than when we first believed. This salvation talks about our ultimate and final joining with the LORD forever.
Are you getting ready for this flight?
There are too many preachers that are holding people down in deep sleep here on earth by the kind of messages they are preaching, and that is the reason we need revival now.
This is not a message only for unbelievers out there but for every believer in Christ Jesus, and for those that are deep in the sleep of sin and unrighteousness.
Jesus is coming back, wether while you are alive or when you are no more on earth, you will surely see him. When he appears all saints that have slept (died) in him shall be raised, but those that died in their sins shall see him on the judgement day unto eternal perdition. (1Thess.4:16, Rev. 20-12-13).
So, salvation does not just begin and end with confession of Jesus Christ as your Lord and Saviour, it's mostly about your total deliverance from the penalty, power and presence of sin, Satan and death.
The reason the old saints were stronger in faith than us, is because they were eager to receive Jesus back on earth and for them to reunite with Him forever. But the desire and anticipation of today's believers are centered on mundane things.
For instance, if you look back in the last one year and review all what you've been hearing from the pulpit, can you remember when last the pulpit reminded you about the need to prepare yourself towards the LORD's second coming? Well, you are herein being reminded that Jesus is coming back soon, awake from your sleep and get ready.
Jesus' second coming is not a mirage, but an experience that you must prepare for.
In the last day, all will certainly see Jesus; sinner or saints, righteous or unrighteous, you will surely see Him, but the question is, what would He say to you when you see Him on that day?*
Bible reading:
Romans 13:11-14.
Father Lord, help me to awake out of my sleep unto righteousness in Jesus name.
*_You can now listen on Spotify_* https://open.spotify.com/show/72q4KLmKs0KBPdVs8bUDSE?si=BeadDR2MTSqBMvufTDEFMg
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