Text: Psalms 68:19
Blessed be the Lord, who daily loadeth us with benefits, even the God of our salvation. Selah.
God's blessings upon His children is not for fanfare; they are for His glory!
Many Christians are yet to understand this simple truth in real terms. Though, in theory, many affirms this truth, but not in practical terms.
For instance, God blessed Abraham both with his biological son (Isaac), and ultimately with Jesus Christ, so that all the families of the earth might be blessed in and through Him. (Genesis 12:3). Hence, the promise and blessing of Jesus Christ through Abraham was not just for Abraham, but for the whole earth.
In the same way, you must know that you are blessed to be a blessing, both to God and humanity. Whatever you are or have, it is by God's blessings upon your life.
In Apostle Paul's writing to the church in Corinth, he wrote thus: "...who makes you to differ from another? and what do you have that you have not received? now, if you did receive it, why do you glory as if you have not received it?"
This is to affirm that all the good and perfect gift in your life are blessings from the Lord and they come directly from Him.(James 1:17). Having an in-depth knowledge of this will always give you the consciousness of- "I am Blessed to be a Blessing"
It is God who daily loads you with benefits, and your reaction to the benefits you daily receive should be for the blessing of His name and His glory.
Benefits are blessings from the Lord. They are the countable, uncountable, visible, invisible, tangible, intangible, physical and spiritual blessings that come from the Lord.
You cannot deny receiving at least one from these categories of benefits on a daily basis.Hence, you do not have any reason whatsoever why you must not bless God from the many blessings He has released to you.
Are you thinking you don't have any reason to bless the Lord, then think about the very breath in your nostrils.
Some are on the hospital bed. Are you in the hospital bed? He is the Lord that heals you. Remember, some are already in the grave. Do you have anyone in the grave? Remember, some are justifiably wishing and praying for death because of the intense pain they are going through. Are you going through intense pain, that may be your opportunity to make things right with God and you will receive His mercy. The list is endless. You have many reasons to daily bless the Lord.
Let your soul bless the Lord today, and His benefits will grow and multiply in your life.
Bible reading:
Psalms 103:1-8
1.) Father, I receive the grace to always see the benefits you daily loads me with.
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