Text: Ecclesiastes:12:1

Remember now thy Creator in the days of thy youth, while the evil days come not, nor the years draw nigh, when thou shalt say, I have no pleasure in them;

Many people's destinies are destroyed from their tender ages. Many are living with regrets and wounds by reason of what they did or the decisions they took when they were young. 

Yes, God is able to heal all wounds, and He is ready to heal yours if you will open up to Him. There's no life so damaged that God cannot repair. However, there are some things that can never be changed. For instance,  you cannot go back to the age you were last year, that age is gone forever. Also,  If you have had a child out of wedlock, you can't undo it. But you must remember that God specialises in turning ugly mess to a beautiful message. 

Because the devil understands the brevity of man's life and the shortness of his own time too, he is deploying different means of ensuring that man wastes his time on things that has no eternal bearings.

*You must know that a wasted time is a destiny wasted  and a destiny wasted is a life wasted, so invest your time wisely.* 

A time (life) wisely invested is a life invested on God through Jesus Christ. This is why Mark 12:30 says, "thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind, and with all thy strength-this is the first commandment."

Note that Jesus Christ,  while giving us the first and the greatest commandment captured strength as one of the ways by which you love the Lord. 

Regardless of your age, you must see to it that you are not just paying lip service  to  God. To remember your God, is to love God with all of your life in this present time.

You must let what Jesus said in John  9:4  be your watch word. *I must work the works of him that sent me, while it is day: the night comes, when no man can work.* 

*Bible Reading :* 

Ecclesiastes 12;1-14.


1.) Father God, I receive the grace to love you with all my heart, soul, mind and strength in Jesus name. 


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