Text : Isaiah  49:15  

Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee.

Sometimes it feels like God is not hearing your cries and prayers, but one thing you must know for certain is that; His promises never fail- He will never leave you nor forsake you. (Hebrew 13:5).

While very few mothers have shown great wickedness by forsaking and forgetting their sucking babies, though, on a norm, mothers don't forget their sucking babies. Whichever way, God will never forget His own. His word made us know that even a mother may forget her sucking child, but He will never forget His own children. Are you God's child? Then, He will never forget you.

*God is a Spirit, hence you can not ascertain His presence by your feelings or circumstances, but only by your SPIRIT and by FAITH.* 

Though, God is always working in the lives of His children, they need the eyes of Faith and openness of Heart in order to see and discern Him at work. (2King 6:15-18). Even though you can not see God, He's working still. He never stops working. 

You must know that God will neither forget nor forsake you. Joseph went through difficult times that would have made most men give up on God and sleep with Potiphar's wife. Instead of getting angry with God and walking out of His will, He feared and loved Him the more even as a slave in the land of Egypt. (Gen. 39:9).

In every odd situation,  you need to realise that God will never forget nor forsake you. One of the devices of the devil is to make you think that God has forgotten you. This thought is actually a thought to take you farther away from God. 

God always have you right in the hollow of His hand. He will never forget you!

Bible Reading:

 Romans 8:28-39.


1.) Father God, I thank you for being with me always. Thank you for loving me inspite of myself. 


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