Text : Psalms 61:3
For thou hast been a shelter for me, and a strong tower from the enemy.
We live in critical and perilous times. The globe is being threatened in every possible way one could imagine. Romans 8:22 says that we know that the whole creation groans and travails in pain together until now.
Since the fall, our first parents(Adam and Eve) there's no place in this whole wide world that is safe anymore. Our first parents fell out of their safe haven and thereby exposing the whole of humanity to the devil and its evils.
While in the garden of Eden, God was their very habitation. I believe that Eden was both a geographical location and a spiritual environment that is enveloped with God's manifest presence.
*Today, no place in the whole wide world is safe except the secret place of the most High God, and that is, His presence.*
The kind of house you dwell in determines the kind of protection you are liable to receive. One who lives in a woody shelter stands a danger of easily getting his shelter gulped with fire, and this can lead to death.
Some countries today have designed massive bunkers(underground structures) in order to protect their citizens from nuclear attacks, rockets, missiles and epidemics. As you can see, the bunker as compared to a normal house in the face of war is a better and stronger shelter. But even bunker cannot shield anyone away from spiritual attacks.
The only safest place on earth today is God's haven -His presence. Hence, you need to run into God. *You must make God your very habitation before you can be guaranteed 100% safety in the now and forever.*
The scripture says that a thousand shall fall at your side; and ten thousand at your right hand; but it shall not come near you. Only with your eyes shall you behold and see the reward of the wicked. Psalms 91:7.
The terror of the night, arrow that flies by day, pestilence that walks in darkness and pestilence that waste at noonday shall not come near you simply because you are under God's covering.
You must see to it that you become an 'abider' under God's presence, and you will be at peace even in the face of turbulence that is looming upon the earth.
An abider is not one who casually serves the Lord. He is not a nominal Christian, but one who truly serves, trusts and obeys the Lord.
It is not too late to run into God for refuge now. He is our true refuge and shelter.
*Bible reading:*
Psalms 91:1-16.
1.) Father, I trust you and run into you as my shelter.
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