Text: Proverbs 3:5
Trust in the LORD with all your heart, And lean not on your own understanding;
*Trust is too weighty a load that you can't afford to put on a mere man whose breath is in his nostril*
When you put your trust in man, you are setting yourself up for great fall, failure and dissapointment in life. Man is a mortal being that has lots of limitations and inadequacies. These are reflected in man's limited time on earth, his limited capacity, and inadequate resources.
The person you are putting your Trust in does not have the longevity to always be around. And even if he's around he will not always be disposed towards you.
If you put your Trust in a rich man who supplies all your need, you need to know that he will not be around forever. Death will take him one day, and your source of help will come to an end.
In the same vein, every man on earth has a limited capacity as regards to how much of demand they can bear. A husband for instance, cannot bear his wife's aggregate demands for emotional, psychological, spiritual, or material needs. Only God can satisfy your need wholistically.
So, anyone who put his or her trust in husband, wife, father, mother or children will always hit the rock. It is not becasue they do not want to help, but simply becasue they've got limited capacity.
Only Jehovah Jireh has unlimited provisions for all your needs. He is not limited in capacity and power. And that's the reason He is the only one you should put your trust in at all times.
The same thing applies for Resources. Man is limited in resources. Even the richest man on earth today has got a limited resources. So, why would you put your trust in a man who has insufficient resources. This is the reason you are often dissapointed in some people whom you think they have more than enough to spare. You are mistaken, because you thought they have more than enough to spend and to spare. No! People only want to and not because they have surplus.
*Unless the unlimited God, who is more than enough touches the heart of a man, you cannot receive anything reasonable from such a man.*
This is the reason you are not receiving adequate help from that your supposed rich friend, uncle, brother or sister. They've got limited resources! You need to put your trust in God only and He will move man to supply your needs in an abundant measure.
God placed a curse upon any man who trusts in a fellow man and makes flesh his strength, whose heart departs from the LORD because He wants all men to put their trust in Him only and no one else. (Jeremiah 17:5).
*Bible reading* :
2Chronicles 16:1-10.
Father God, please, help me to always put my trust in you alone.
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