Text: Matthew 24:5
For many will come in My name, saying, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many.
Today, we shall begin to consider the three major parameters that will help you discern deceivers that have come in Christ's name:
1. Check their gospel.
2. Check their lifestyle (fruits).
3. Check their spirit.
2 Corinthians 11:4 says "For if he that comes preaches *another Jesus* , whom we have not preached, or if ye receive *another spirit,* which you have not received, or *another gospel* , which you have not accepted....
1. Check their gospel:
Gospel means glad tidings (good news) of salvation through Christ.
Many deceivers who have come in the name of Christ also preach a gospel, but they preach 'another gospel', and not 'the gospel'. When you carefully examine their gospel, you will find out that it is not centered on Christ. Though they may garnish it with Christ's name but it is not of Christ.
This is to let you know that these deceivers also come in Christ's name with good news (so called) but their good news is not the glad tidings of salvation through Christ. Hence, it is another good gospel they have come with. Many are following this 'another gospel' and it will not lead them to salvation in the end.
How then do you know if a gospel is not the true gospel of our Lord Jesus Christ. These are few indicators:
i. Such gospel does not demand repentance from you.
*Please run away from any gospel that is always telling you that no matter what you do, you are always good and okay before God.*
There are things Jesus Christ has done for you, and there are things you can only do for yourself. The gospel of our Lord Jesus preaches repentance. *Jesus did not repent on the cross on your behalf, He only died in your place. He sacrificed Himself not so that you can keep on sinning, but that you may turn to God in repentance.*
Repentance is core to salvation. (Mark 1:15, Acts 2:38 3:19).
ii. 'Another gospel' does not teach faith in Christ as the only Way, the only Truth and the only Life (John 14:6). I have heard some 'Christians' say that God is not that wicked to throw those who do not believe in Christ to hell. Well, that's the reason missionaries are going all over the world, even to dangerous places to declare the gospel for a witness.
*Christ is the only way to God, and salvation can only be found in Him and there is no other.* (Acts 4:12, John 14:6).
iii. 'Another gospel' is centered around money. *Any preacher who is after money cannot preach correct gospel. Even if he starts well with the correct gospel, he cannot uphold such to the end.*
The scripture says,
"For they...serve not our Lord Jesus Christ, but their own belly; and by good words and fair speeches deceive the hearts of the simple" Romans 16:18.
As a true believer, it is your responsibility to develop your spiritual sense so as to be able to discern another gospel.
'Another gospel' preached in Christ's name will always do more harm to a soul, than any other religion or faith could do to that soul.
Bible Reading:
Mathew: 24:1-42.
1.) Father Lord, give me deep understanding of the scriptures, that I may understand the times we are in, and be delivered from deceivers in Jesus name.
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