Text : Hebrews 12:15
Looking carefully lest anyone fall short of the grace of God; lest any root of bitterness springing up cause trouble, and by this many become defiled;
The spirit of bitterness got hold of Absalom and it caused him trouble, thereby, he defiled many in Israel.
Just because of the spirit of bitterness that has gotten hold of Absalom, hundreds of Isreali soldiers whom he had corrupted died within one day.
The entry point of this spirit of bitterness was the long-seated unforgiveness and hate that Absalom had for Amnon when he raped his sister, Tamar.
You must always receive grace to let go of offences quickly and unconditionally (2 Samuel 13:22).
When you are offended by someone, and you refused to forgive that person within a reasonable period of time, such offence will turn into bitterness.
The reasonable time within which you are to give forgiveness as defined in the scripture is anytime before the sun goes down (sunset). This is to mean that you must always release all your offenders each day before you go to bed. Ephesians 4:26 says, "...let not the sun go down upon your wrath".
Aside all the symptoms of bitterness that was highlighted yesterday, one major symptom by which you know that spirit of bitterness is at work in you, is when you are not willing to open up or talk about the offence that is eating you up.
The scripture says that Absalom never said a word, either good or bad, to Amnon. Nevertheless, he hated Amnon because he had humiliated his sister Tamar. (2 Samuel 13:22).
When you shy away from your pains or hurts or you refuse to share them, they turn to bitterness.
Are you in pain because of an offence committed against you many years ago?
Are you hurting because of the offence?
Are you bitter towards the offender till date?
Do you shy away from discussing the source of your pains, and hurts?
Have you decided to follow a particular line of action in response to your pain and hurt, not minding whatever the consequence might be?
If all or any of your answers are in the affirmative, then you may need to seek counsel from a trustworthy person for healing from bitterness.
Sharing your pains and hurts is the beginning of your healing, but accepting to be healed is the real deal.
Bible Reading:
2 Samuel 13:28-33.
1.) Father God, please purge me from every iota of bitterness in Jesus name.
2.) Father Lord, deliver my soul from the grip of bitterness in the name of Jesus.
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