Text :Philippians 4:4
Rejoice in the Lord always. Again I will say, rejoice!
The New Living Translation version renders our text thus: 'Always be full of joy in the Lord. I say it again—rejoice!'
'Rejoice' is more like the verb for the Noun-'Joy'. So, to rejoice is to have or to experience the feel of joy.
Now, the scripture, more like an instruction, is asking you to Rejoice in the Lord at all times. Hence, we can safely say that Joy will not always drop on your laps if you are not actively working it out through personal cooperation with the Holy Spirit.
Though, Joy is a fruit of the Spirit, yet the fruit will not pluck itself from the tree without the effort of a farmer or harvester. Hence, you are always a contributor to your own Joy.
(Galatians 5:22).
In this generation, there is an alarming increase of suicidal attempts, depression, 'seasonal affective disorder' (SAD), and mood swings among believers, especially the young folks.
The only antidote to all these anomalies is Joy. And if the Holy Spirit is not well seated on your inside, then, Joy will be absent in your life.
*Most people often experience happiness but not Joy. This is because Joy is independent of external happenings, but happiness is only dependent on the externalities.*
In order to start experiencing a continuous Joyous life, you must journey beyond the path of happiness, and learn how to cooperate with the Holy Spirit for continuous flow of Joy like a river in your life.
Today, I will like to strongly establish a pivotal truth in your heart that- "The Joy of the Lord is your Strength!" And this Joy, is only found in the Holy Spirit.
*Without the Lord's Joy, you cannot discover the Lord's Strength, for the Joy of the Lord is your strength.* (Nehemiah 8:10).
Bible Reading:
Philippians 4:1-8.
1.) Father Lord, fill my heart with your Joy on a continuous basis in Jesus name.
2.) Father Lord, help me to always depend on the Holy Spirit for the outflow of His Joy in me.
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