Text : Revelation 4:11
Thou art worthy, O Lord, to receive glory and honour and power: for thou hast created all things, and for thy pleasure they are and were created.
Everything in heaven and on earth were created for God's pleasure, and any of His creature or creation that ceases to give Him pleasure shall seize to radiate His glory.
Our God is a God of pleasure Himself. When you think of the various forms of pleasures He has created for man to enjoy, then you should know that He knows what pleasure really means. Hence, He wants to continually receive ceaseless flow of pleasure from all His creations and creatures, especially man.
Imagine a manufacturer who has produced a car for the purpose of his comfort, mobility and pleasure. One day, the manufacturer picks up his car key to travel a 100km journey. He starts the car and embarks on his journey. While on the journey, the car decides to stop and tell the manufacturer "I'm no longer willing to continue the journey with you anymore."
The manufacturer asked the car, "Why?" The car answered, "I have discovered another purpose for my life. And I want to start flying like an aeroplane henceforth.
What do you think will happen to the car thereafter? The manufacturer ordered for another car from the factory and instructed his staff to dismantle the old car because it's no good for any use again.
In the same way, *God has an intention for your life, and that is to give Him pleasure; and to give pleasure to God is to Please Him in all that you do.*
Before Jesus Christ launched into a full scale ministry, he heard a voice from God saying, "this is my well beloved Son, in whom I am well pleased".
God was pleased with Jesus Christ because His pleasure prospered in Jesus's hand. Prophet Isaiah prophesied long before Jesus was born in this manner, _"...the pleasure of the LORD shall prosper in his hand."_
(Isaiah 53:10).
God's pleasure prospered in Jesus's life and ministry. Hence, God was, is and will always be pleased with Him.
You need to ask yourself:
Is my life giving pleasure to God?
Is God's pleasure prospering in my life, marriage, home, ministry or career?
Always remember that you were created for God's Pleasure and God's pleasure you must always serve.
Bible Reading:
Isaiah: Isaiah 53:1-12.
1.) Father God, please give me more desire to satisfy your pleasure.
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