Text : 1 Peter 2:2.
Like newborn babies, thirst for the pure milk of the word so that by it you may grow in your salvation.
No one is born a full grown human. They are born babies, and then they grow up. Similarly, *no one is born a full grown Christian. You are born a spiritual baby, and then you grow up.*
There is a striking similarities between physical development and spiritual development. Everyone is given birth to physically (first birth) and every child of God is given birth to spiritually (second birth).
Everyone on earth experienced the first birth, but not everyone has experienced the second birth. That you go to church or that you are a leader in the church doesn't mean you have experienced the second birth.
John 3:6 says,
That which is born of the flesh is flesh; and that which is born of the Spirit is spirit. So, until you are born of the Spirit, you have not experienced the second birth.
Regardless of your age in the physical, the moment you experienced the second birth, you are a new baby in Christ. And as a new babe, you are expected to grow.
Now, just like in the physical, the only way to grow is to eat good food, and as a baby, the right food to start with is milk.
This is why our text says, you should desire the sincere milk of the word so you may grow thereby. Note that you are not to desire any kind of milk, but the *sincere milk.*
The word of God specifically says 'sincere milk' because its obvious that there's 'insincere milk'. Sincere milk talks about the true and pure spiritual milk of the word.
As a new born in Christ, you have the singular responsibility of seeking the pure word of God. Just as adulterated milk can cause great harm to a new born baby in the physical, the same is true for a new born in Christ who is feeding on impure milk of the word.
To know if the word of God is pure, it has to be in consonance with the written word of God. Don't just swallow everything you hear in the name of God's words, test it in the light of the word of God. The responsibility to test all spirit rests with you. (1 John 4:1).
*Dear friends, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits to determine if they are from God, because many false prophets have gone out into the world.* (1John 4:1).
Bible Reading:
2 Peter 2:1-5.
1.) Father God, please give me more desire for your words that I might grow thereby.
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