Text : 1Corinthian 15:19.
If in this life only we have hope in Christ, we are of all men most miserable.
Every single person on the face of the earth is living for a hope. Hence, anyone struggling with suicidal thoughts is one who has lost grip on the rope of hope. Such has lost reason for living on earth.
*When all hope is gone, then life is not worth living anymore, but the living hope in Christ Jesus can always give you fresh reason to hope again.*
Parents suffer and sacrifice so much for the upbringing of their children with the hope that such child(ren) will grow up and become someone that will make them proud one day.
Students study hard with the hope of graduating in flying colours.
The groom and the bride joyfully walk down the aisle. They stand before the pastor in the presence of many witnesses to say "I do wed thee," simply because of the hope that their union will always thrive in bliss till death do them apart.
A business man goes into commercial enterprise or economic activity with the hope of making profit.
While all the above hopes and more may be very good, yet there is one hope that is better. That better hope is what the scripture calls *"Living Hope".* (1Peter 1:3).
Living hope is the hope that cannot be quenched by death. It is the hope that helps you live beyond this present world. It gives you better reasons to live.
Living hope is stronger than all other hopes you may have on this side of eternity. That's the reason you must live for it, and not just for temporary hopes, which are only built around the seen realms.(2Cor.4:18).
May the Lord grant you sight and heart to start breathing for the living and better hope in Christ Jesus, in Jesus name. (Amen)
1.) Father, Please, give me sight to be able to see beyond what this earth can offer.
2.) Lord, increase my appetite for living hope in Christ Jesus.
Bible Reading:
1 Corinthian. 15:1-34.
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