Text: Proverbs 13:20
He who walks with wise men will be wise, But the companion of fools will be destroyed.
Whether you know it or not, your life is being directly or indirectly influenced by visible or invisible forces.
For instance, you are either under the influence of God or devil. There is no middle ground. But should anyone claim to be half on God's side and half on devil's, such one is certainly on the devil's side. God never shares His glory with any.
This is the reason Jesus said in Revelation 3:16 "...because you are lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will vomit you out of My mouth." The Lord cannot condone a lukewarm follower.
If your walk with the Lord is lukewarm, you had better decide wether you want to serve Him or the devil. The Lord will never share anything with the devil.
*If He is not Lord of All, then He is not Lord at all. Jesus wants all of your life and not some portion of it.*
You have to be very careful and deliberate about the people that surround you. As a true believer, once you allow anyone around you, you must decide to be the influencer, if not, the person will automatically influence you to his or her side.
To ensure that you are always the positive influencer and not the other way round, Jesus instructed that you should allow your light shine so well before men so that they may see your good works. Mathew 5:16.
If you take a close look at your life, you will realise that your upbringing, family, spouse, guardian, cultural background, friends, church, school, neighbourhood, place of work etc has influenced or is influencing you one way or the other. While some of these influences may be positive, others could be negative.
Therefore, you have a singular responsibility to daily re-examine each of the influencing agents around you in the light of God's words and standards.
For instance, if the influence of your cultural background is not in sync with God's standard, you must intentionally reject such influence on your life.
You must decide to be the positive influencer, and always remain watchful because you are constantly being influenced by someone or something around you.
Bible Reading:
1 King 13:11-26.
1.) Father Lord, make a kingdom influencer in Jesus name.
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