Text : Deuteronomy 24:17.
“Don’t deny justice to a foreigner or to an orphan, nor take a widow’s garment as collateral for a loan.
A widow is a woman who has been bereaved of her husband. Culture and man's stereotype most of the times heap more sorrow and discomfort on her.
Psalms 68:5 says God almighty Himself is the advocate for widows, so, if a widow cry out to Him, He will defend her case and you will not be guiltless.
Expressly, God said in Exodus 22:22 that You shall not afflict any widow, or fatherless child. And this is a command.
In the New Testament, God instructs the children and relatives of widows to take very good care of her.
But if a widow has children or grandchildren, they must first learn to respect their own family by repaying their parents, for this is pleasing in God’s sight.1Timothy 5:4. The church is to take care of any widow within her local assembly whose children or relatives are incapable of taking care of her.
This goes to show that from old testament to the new, God is concerned about the well-being of the widows.
Whoever blesses them will be blessed by God and who ever oppress them will be judged by the Lord.
Hear the conclusion of this matter from James 1:27 Pure religion and undefiled before God and the Father is this, To visit the fatherless and widows in their affliction, and to keep himself unspotted from the world.
Bible Reading :1 Timothy 5:1-16.
1.) Father God, I am sorry for the unfair and unfriendly way I have treated widows in the past.
2.) Father God, please grant me the grace to open my heart of love to everyone around me, including the widows.
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