Text:Proverbs 19:17
If you help the poor, you are lending to the Lord— and he will repay you!
Often than not poverty is not just as a result of lazyness, it is more of the consequence of the fall of our first parents(Adam and Eve) in the garden of Eden.
The ground was cursed for their sake. In Genesis 3:17-19 God said to Adam: _'... Cursed is the ground for your sake; In toil you shall eat of it All the days of your life. Both thorns and thistles it shall bring forth for you...in the sweat of your face you shall eat bread till you return to the ground...."_
Since *everything* man needs to put food on his table comes from the ground, and the ground had been cursed, man had to struggle before he can put food on his table. But this was not the initial plan of God. Even the rich are sweating and struggling to keep their position. A major number of the so called rich in our world today are simply smarter (according to man's sinful nature) in subjecting their fellow man.
Take for instance, the Europeans came to Africa for slave trade in the fourteenth century. They captured Africa's strong men, took them to their land to plant their farms and build their industries.
Today, that same continent(Africa) whose people had helped the Europeans build theirs is still in abject poverty.
Africa is the poorest of all the continents. Though, she has 30% deposit of all the precious metal reserves and natural resources in the whole earth, yet she is still the poorest.
Africa has the most youthful and vibrant population, yet she is still the poorest.
God forbid, but the World Bank projected that by 2030 87% of the people in Africa will be on the verge of poverty.
Today Africans consider themselves greatly blessed when they travel to the same place where their fore-fathers were once slaves.
So, how do you say western world is richer than Africa if not for the slave mentality they had instilled in them through slave trades.
Think about the brain drain. The volume of professionals, best and most skilled labourers that are jumping out of Africa on daily basis. Why? What exactly are they running from?. Where are they running to?- Greener pasture, they say.
In view of all these, God is now asking you to join Him in a lending venture. This Lending venture is- Helping The Poor!
Think about you lending to the richest man on earth today. Banks that lend to the well known rich people actually count themselves so privileged and favoured. Why?-they will get huge income.
Now, imagine yourself lending to the very God of the universe.
*Helping the poor is lending to the Lord.*
When you start helping the poor, you are actually joining force with the Lord to realise the work of redemption on the cross.(2Cor.8:9).
Listen to this all important point: An unbeliever, no matter how rich and philantopic he may appear, such cannot genuinely help the poor. *Since helping the poor is lending to the Lord, then one who does not know God cannot lend to Him. An unbeliever therefore, does not know how to combat poverty. This is because, the root of poverty is not just physical but spiritual.*
Bible Reading: Luke 16:20-31.
1.) Father Lord, I receive the grace to start helping the poor and the needy around me.
2.) Farher Lord, open my eyes of understanding to know how to help the poor in the most glorifying and honouring manner to you.
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