Text : Genesis 22:2.
And he said, Take now thy son, thine only son Isaac, whom thou lovest, and get thee into the land of Moriah; and offer him there for a burnt offering upon one of the mountains which I will tell thee of.
God gave Abraham specific instruction to offer his son unto Him. He accompanied this instruction with details of where and how He wants him to do it.
Sometimes ago, we defined obedience as doing what you are asked to do the way you are asked to do it and as at when you are asked to do it.
That is, *obedience is not complete if it's not done at the right time and in the right way.* Doing the right thing in the right way and at the right time has everything to do with paying attention to little details.
On the surface, the tall instruction God gave to Abraham was to sacrifice his son, Isaac. However, if Abraham had neglected to pay attention to the little details attached to this main instruction, he would have missed out outrightly.
Specifically, he was told to do the sacrifice in the land of Moriah and to offer him as a burnt offering upon a specific mountain that God Himself would show him.
If Abraham had decided to do the sacrifice in his home regardless of the details that God told him, he would have lost the miracle of getting his son back.
If God is telling you to leave a relation or association, don't play smart with God, receive the grace to obey and to follow His instruction to details.
Remember, Saul, the first king of Isreal actually obeyed God but he didn't follow His instructions to details. Eventually, he lost the kingdom along with his dynasty. 1 Samuel 13:1-14.
*Bible Reading :*
Genesis 22:1-19.
1.) Father God, I receive the grace to pay attention to every of your instructions for my life and to carry it out to the minute details.
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