Text: Luke 12:2
For there is nothing covered that will not be revealed, nor hidden that will not be known.
*Everything done in the secret; be it good or bad shall be made manifest by the light of the day.*
Knowing that everything done in the secret shall be heard or seen in the open, then, you should always carefully chose your secret actions. Instead of engaging in secret sins and evils, you had better be doing more obedience unto God in secret.
You must start exercising yourself unto obedience in the secret, so that you can have more wins in the public.
Many people today are running helter skelter with misplaced priorities. They are always on the social media, either wasting their time or seeking undue attention.
Joseph overcame the temptation thrown at him by Potiphar's wife in the secret; and he got the open reward.
David killed the lion and bear in the wilderness, when no one was there, hence he could kill Goliath before the whole armies of Israel and Philistines.
*The good things you do when no one is watching are the things that GOD regards the most.*
To live for God is to remain accountable to Him more in the secret place of your heart. Private obedience will certainly attract open reward here on earth and in heaven. (Hebrew 4:13).
Do not be weary of serving God when and where no one is watching. The one who is watching you is actually the only and most important One.
One of the undoing of Samson was the early exposure he gave himself. He got himself into an unwarranted problem because he could not keep his personal and private victories to himself.
He killed a lion, and he could not keep the testimony to himself until the right time. He used it as a riddle for the Philistines.(Judges 14:12-18).
This singular incidence revealed his weakness for women. The Philistines, put his wife under duress in order to get the meaning of the riddle from him. Through this, they discovered that Samson's secretes could be gotten through a woman. No wonder, they used Delilah for him at a later time.
*When you cannot keep certain private victory to yourself, you will be unduly exposing yourself to the enemy before your time*
*Bible Reading :* Mathew 6:1-6.
1.) Father God, help me to remain accountable unto you even when no one is watching.
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