TEXT: Hebrew. 12:1
Therefore, since we also have such a large cloud of witnesses surrounding us, let us lay aside every weight and sin that so easily ensnares us. Let us run with patience the race that lies before us.
The right question anyone should ask is "who are these large cloud of Witnesses?"
Well, chapter eleven of the book of Hebrew supplied the answer, and that's why chapter twelve opened with a "therefore". This means that there was ensuing discourse before chapter twelve.
Chapter eleven of Hebrews is often called the Faith chapter. It is filled with the testimony of men and women who walked in faith and by faith.
We understand from verse two of Hebrew 11 that these Heroes obtained good reports through faith. This faith is shown not only in what they accomplished, but how they lived their lives.
All the heroes mentioned in this chapter are the first set of Witnesses. They had fought the good fight of faith and kept the faith. (2Tim.4:7)
Today, the Lord is still encouraging us in this present generation to lay aside every weight and sin that so easily ensnares us, so we can run the race set before us.
These cloud of witnesses are watching how we are running our race.
A good understanding of what these Heroes (cloud of witnesses) did while they were on earth will help you appreciate their witnesses. Let's take a brief look at some of these Heroes :
1. ABEL: He was the first man to be murdered in human race. He was murdered because he was a righteous man. It was recorded in the scriptures that ABEL was righteous. Matt. 23:35,Heb.11:4.
God accepted Abel's sacrifice because He had regard for Him, Gen.4:4. Abel had no brethren to model righteous living for him, yet he lived righteously by faith in God.
You are expected to live a more righteous life than Abel, because you have countless righteous model to challenge and inspire you today.
2. ENOCH : He was the first man ever that did not experience death. This is because God took him away. Hebrew. 11:5.
Prior to his dissapearance, he was approved by God because he pleased Him. Who taught him how to please God? He had no bible, no Christian literature, no church building, no house fellowship; as a matter of fact, he had no Holy Spirit. Yet he had this testimony that he pleased God.
For every thing you are going through right now and that you will still go through, people like Enoch will tell you that you are always at a vantage position to please God.
Romans 8:8 says they that are in the flesh cannot please God. However, verse nine says " but you are not in the flesh, but in the Spirit, if indeed the Spirit of God dwells in you."
You see, you have been endowed to please God. The Holy Spirit that is in you is an edge.
The witnesses are saying to you " Hey! you have an edge, don't blow it away".
Bible Reading: Hebrew. 11:1-40
1.) Father God, help me not to give up in the race set before me.
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