Text : Matthew 16:26
For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
We were taught at the elementary schools that humans are animals. According to Aristotle, man is a social animal. Another school of thought refers to humans as higher animals because of the presence of backbones which make man unique.
Whichever theory you believe, one thing that is common to these theories is the fact that humans are regarded as animals. Well, there are some facts to this, as man (humans) and animals have a lot in common.
Both humans and animals breath, move from place to place, reproduce, have specialised sensory organs such as eyes, ears, nose, skin and tongue.
However, God didn't create man to be like animals, He created man to be like Himself.
In Genesis 1:27 we saw God's handiwork. 'So God created man in his own image, in the image of God created he him; male and female created he them.'
Essentially, God's idea of humans is someone that will grow to be like Him. By the reason of the fall of man, man lost the grace to journey towards becoming like God in His image and likeness.
Man degenerates and condescends to the nature of mere animals. Apart from the basic inherent characteristics that animals share with man, man has fallen so low to take up some of the vicious natures of animals.
Animals fight, man also fights. Animals have sex indiscriminately, man does the same. Some animals are selfish by nature, and same goes for many individuals too. Animals don't regard God, many people too have no regard for God or His laws.
The similarities between man and animals are endless. As though this is not degrading enough, some have even fallen below animals. Animals don't pride themselves in transgenic, homosexualities, lesbianism, bisexuality and the likes. Man are not only engaged in this, they are pushing hard to make this practice a law across board.
You are not fashioned to live an animalistic life. Some animals are good natured, that doesn't mean they are your standard. You have been called to live a life that is pleasing to God.
If you do what animals do whether good or bad, this makes you an animal or at best a higher animal, but when you do what God says this makes you a child of God. The choice is always yours.
Bible Reading: Matthew 6:24-34
1.) Father God, help me keep seeking conformity to the image of your son Jesus Christ.
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