Text: 2 Timothy 4:3
For a time is coming when people will no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching. They will follow their own desires and will look for teachers who will tell them whatever their itching ears want to hear.
Apostle Paul strictly warned Timothy to preach the word and to be ready in season and out of season, because a time would come when people would no longer listen to sound and wholesome teaching.
We are currently in the time Apostle Paul talked and warned Timothy about. It is progressively becoming more and more difficult for people to endure sound teachings of the word of God today.
*Today, many a people are no longer willing to subscribe to wholesome teachings as they have grown itching ears.* They prefer to follow their own desires and search for teachers who will tell them what they want to hear.
Many in our churches today only seek to hear what they desire to hear and not what the Lord wants to say. So, pastors are being pressed and pressured to Preach what the members wants to hear.
*The itchy-ear Christians have raised for themselves teachers and prophets who teach and prophesy what they want to hear.* They are not willing to listen to wholesome and sound teachings because they have itching ears. Hence, such people are fulfilling the end time prophecy.
You must be very cautious and careful not to be part of this end time prophecy.
One of the ways to discern if you are tending towards this prophecy of itchy-ear folks, is by constantly checking your reactions and responses to God's commands as compared to His promises.
People that pursue and emphasise more of God's promises over God's commands are likely to be resistant to wholesome teachings.
They simply forget that *God's promises are by-product of God's commands.*
*Always seek to obey His commands and His promises shall drop on your laps.*
Bible Reading:2Timothy 4:1-8.
1.) Father God, please grant me the ear and heart to listen and to keep on listening to sound doctrines.
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