Text: 1 Kings 19:12
"...and after the earthquake a fire, [but] the LORD [was] not in the fire; and after the fire a still small voice"
Prophet Elijah was on the run from Jezebel for his dear life due to life threatening utterances he had received.
While on the run, the Lord provided for him through the hand of an angel, he journeyed for forty days and forty nights in the strength of the meal he received twice from the angel.
Elijah fled for the fear of losing his dear life to the wicked Jezebel. Though, the Lord fed him, but He asked him twice about what he was doing on that journey.
*That you are enjoying God's provision, is not a guarantee that God approves of your life or your life's journey.*
After the Lord had asked him, "What are you doing here?" The Lord asked him to go stand before Him on the mountain.
A mighty windstorm hit the mountain, but the Lord wasn't in it. After this, earthquake and fire came, but the Lord was neither in these.
There could be happenings and shakings in your life like mighty windstorm, earthquake and fire which the Lord knows that they are not able to wreck or destroy you. Hence, such are not worth your attention because the Lord is not in them. Do not listen to such threats.
Prophet Elijah responded to the windstorm, earthquake and fire issued by Queen Jezebel without listening to God's still small voice.
*It is extremely important to listen to God's still-small voice than trembling at windstorm, earthquake and fire that are threatening your life.*
*Bible Reading :*
1 Kings 19:1-14.
1.) Father God, please grant me the grace to always seek and pay more attention to your still-small voice in my life than the windstorm, earthquake and fire that are threatening me.
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