Text: Proverbs 4:7
Wisdom is the principal thing; therefore get wisdom: and with all thy getting get understanding.
Wherever you find God's wisdom, there you will also find true understanding and knowledge.
So, the scripture says in Proverbs 7:4 "Say unto wisdom, Thou art my sister; and call understanding thy kinswoman".
*True wisdom of God is that which is entrenched in your heart and not in your head* (Proverbs 10:8). God's wisdom in your heart will bring understanding to your heart and mind as well (Job 38:36- NET).
We highlighted the three major ways to accessing God's wisdom yesterday.
Today, we shall be looking at the first means by which you can access pure wisdom from God- ASK. (James 1:5).
One way by which King Solomon got his wisdom from God was simply by ASKING. He asked for wise and understanding heart in his dream.
Interestingly, God gave him what he asked for in his dream. I am sure that God who gave wisdom to a man who asked Him in a dream, will give same and much more to you if you also ask Him in faith.
Since the bible says that "...a dream comes through much activity..."(Ecclesiastes 5:3), I want to believe that Solomon must have been nursing the idea of receiving a wise heart from the Lord before he met the Lord in his dream for a lifetime opportunity of "One-Golden-Ask".
Can I ask you one question? If the Lord should appear to you right now and give you the opportunity to ask for one thing like He did to Solomon. What one thing would you ask for?
Think about it!
Can you write it down?
Often than not, children of God could hardly present their one need before the Lord like Solomon. This is because many don't even know what they truly need. King Solomon was able to present his "One-comprehensive
request" before the Lord in a very precised manner.
Jesus told Mary in Luke 10:42 that _one thing is needful: and Mary hath chosen that good part, which shall not be taken away from her._
Do you know that ONE thing that is needful in your life which you need to present before the Lord in prayer now?
Praying aright is in itself wisdom from the Lord. Solomon asked for an understanding heart only, but the Lord gave him riches, long life and victory over his enemies as well. What more would he have gotten aside these?
Bible Reading: I Kings 3:1-13 .
1.) Father God, I ask for wisdom and understanding heart in Jesus name.
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