Text : Act 27:22
But now I urge you to have courage, because there will be no loss of life among you, but only loss of the ship.
While on voyage with over 270 people, the ship carrying Paul and the rest was caught in a violent storm.
God however, assured Paul that his life and the lives of everyone on board with him will be spared because of him. Miraculously, God averted what ordinarily should have been a total shipwreck and saved over 250 souls because of Paul. Acts 27:20-24.
All the people in the town of Zoar was spared from total destruction because of Lot.
The Angel of the Lord that was sent to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah with all the surrounding towns assured Lot that he will not destroy the town of Zoar because of Lot.
Every member of the household of the harlot who accommodated the Spies from Isreal was spared from death because of this prostitute. This narrative is in the book of Joshua chapter two and three.
In the same vein, the whole of Isreal was exposed and 36 valiant soldiers died needlessly because of Achan. Joshua 7:1-26.
*Lives of men can be spared or wasted because of you, depending on the decisions and choices you make in life, be well guarded.*
Life is not all about you, you are connected to some people and some are connected to you. Your everyday decisions will directly or indirectly have ripple effects on others. Be well guarded.
Bible Reading : Joshua 7:1-26.
1.) Father God, give me the grace to live a life that will bring blessings to others and bring glory to you.
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