Text : Ephesians 4:26
"Be angry, and do not sin": do not let the sun go down on your wrath.(NKJ)
*Anger in itself may not be a sin, it only produces sin when it is not under control.*
Anger is an emotional expression that often get hold of his victim, hence it often leads to sin. But if you can control this emotion, you will not only be a wise person, but you would have saved yourself from many unwarranted hurts and sorrows.
The scripture instructed you not to be hasty in your spirit to be angry: for anger rests in the bosom of fools (Ecclesiastes 7:9). This verse also talks about your control over Anger.
Apostle Paul admonished the brethren in the church of Ephesus to be angry and not to sin. This is because when you allow anger to be expressed freely, it will always lead you to sin.
You are told to always control your anger so as not to sin while expressing this emotional expression .
New Living Translation version of the study text renders it thus: *"And don't sin by letting anger control you Don't let the sun go down while you are still angry"*
Just as you will not be stark naked in an open space because you were drenched under a heavy down pour, so also you must not put off your control of anger simply because you feel like getting angry at any point in time.
You must always control it!
So, *the problem in getting angry is not the anger in itself, but the inability to control it.*
While so many have been mastered by their anger, only very few have mastered their anger.
*Don't ever allow your anger to control you, rather you must learn to always be in charge of your anger.*
Anyone who has been caught in the web of incessant anger and wrath can be compared to a mad fellow. Infact, such one is said to be having mental illness or disease.
I used to experience such madness in my life before. It took a sincere and loving confrontation for me to be totally set free. This did not happen without prayers and careful meditation in the word.
If you are also caught up in this web, you must sincerely confront yourself, acknolwedge this problem and truly desire a change in your life.
Having anger problem is so bad that if you are confronted with it, you even get angry the more.
I pray that the Lord will break you loose from the hold of anger and wrath in Jesus name.
Bible Reading:Numbers 20:1-12
1.) Father God, please deliver me from the strong hold of anger in Jesus name.
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