Text : Isaiah 60:1
Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the LORD is risen upon thee.
If Jesus had said, let your light so shine..." He wouldn't be asking you to shine your light if He knew that you had none.*
Jesus instructed His followers to allow (let) their light so shine to the extent that men will see it and give glory to God.
Jesus was simply reiterating what prophet Isaiah prophesied to the Isrealites in another manner.
God commanded the Isrealites to arise and shine on the basis of the arrival of their light, while in Mathew Jesus instructed His followers to allow their light shine. (Isaiah 60:1, Mathew 5:16).
God's light, the bright and the morning star, Jesus Christ Himself is within you. And you need to shine Him for the world to see.
What you do with the light(Jesus Christ) that you have received is your decision. You may decide to give Him expressions by allowing Him to shine through you, or you may keep Him (the light) under the bushel. (Mathew 5:15).
No one can truly shine until God's glory has rested upon such one. Remember that Jesus Himself is the brightness of God's glory. He is the glory of God manifested in the flesh.
_And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, and we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth_ .(John 1:14)
*The world cannot be amazed at any glory it offers, ONLY at God's glory. Are you seeking the glory offered by the world, or that from Christ?*
Christ in you is the hope of Glory.
When you've risen to shine the light because of the glory that has rested upon you, then Isaiah 60:3 shall be fulfilled in your life "The Gentiles shall come to your light, And kings to the brightness of your rising"
There are different kind of glory this world offers, but none is in the category of God's Glory that a true child of God carries.
Bible Reading : Isaiah 60:1-5.
1.) Father God, I receive the Grace to arise and shine so that the world can see your glory in Jesus name.
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