Text :Matthew 16:26
For what is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul? or what shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
This world is not worth the real worth of your soul. It's not worth it to stake your precious soul for this world!
If you carefully observe this world with God's eye glasses, you will realise that you are living in a fallen, sick and hurting world. The question then is, "why must I stake my soul on a fallen, sick and hurting world?"
Jesus had asked a question which many are yet to provide a candid answer to. He asked one question in two different ways:
1. What is a man profited, if he shall gain the whole world, and lose his own soul?
2.What shall a man give in exchange for his soul?
Many religious and churchy folks who think they know the answer will quickly reply and say, Nothing!
While many can only provide theoretical answer to Jesus' question, they are however unable to experience a victorious life above this world. They are unable to place their soul above the base gains of this world. The weight and the base gains of this world has wrecked many souls simply because they are yet to realise the worth of their soul.
You must know that your soul is much more precious and of more value than the whole world. Do not sheepishly and cheaply trade your soul for this world. As far as God is concerned, at creation, one soul is greater than the whole world.
That is the reason God created many trees, animals, fishes, birds, vast land and waters but only one man (Adam) to manage it all.
The devil also know the worth and preciousness of a single soul. That is the reason he is willing to let go of the whole world to any one who is willing to give his soul for it.
No matter the fatness of your bank account, the whole treasures and riches of this world cannot pay your real worth.
Though sin has made man come short of God's glory, yet man's life is worth the image of God and that's why God created you in His image. This is the reason you must accept the redemption plan of God through Jesus Christ our Lord.
BIBLE READING: Mathew 16:24-28.
1.) Father God, open my eyes to know and walk in my true identity in Christ Jesus.
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