Text : Galatians 6:8
For he that soweth to his flesh shall of the flesh reap corruption; but he that soweth to the Spirit shall of the Spirit reap life everlasting.
Most times, when issues of sowing and reaping is raised in Christian parlance, what readily comes to mind is money. Yes, money is one of the things that can be sown, but today, we are looking at something with more eternal value than money.
Our text talks about two types of sowing you can engage in-; 1.)Sowing to the flesh.
2.)Sowing to the Spirit.
Man (Christian) is capable of these two Sowings. *What you sow determines what you reap. If you want a good harvest, you pay attention to what you are sowing.*
The first question to ask here is, how can one sow to his flesh?
Well, the preceeding verse to our text, verse seven says, *Stop being deceived; God is not to be ridiculed. A person harvests whatever he plants:* (Galatians 6:7).
Many deceive themselves, thinking that they can sow to the flesh and still reap life everlasting.
Sowing to the flesh is living to gratify your own sinful desires - People feel they can use their time, energy and money to gratify their own selfish ambitions and still grow and mature spiritually and be ready for the Day of Christ's return and Judgment. No, it doesn't work like that.
Fleshly sowing will always lead to corruption. (Romans 8:13) says anyone who lives after the flesh, shall die: but if anyone who through the Spirit mortifies the deeds of the body, shall live.
Where are you sowing to? To your flesh or to the Spirit? When you follow the dictates and the desires of your flesh, you are sowing to the flesh, but when you through the help of the Spirit denies the dictates of the flesh, you will reap life everlasting.
Bible Reading:Galatians 6: 7-10.
1.) Father Lord, I receive the Grace to say no to the cravings of the flesh in Jesus name.
2.) Father God, I receive the Grace to submit to the leadings of your Spirit in me in Jesus name.
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