Text : Luke 11:2

"When ye pray, say, Our Father which art in heaven..."

Knowing your relationship with God is a major key in prayer. When you Know and approach God as your Father, it helps you reach out to Him with a deep sense of intimacy. Hence, effective praying is guaranteed.

Before you pray to God, you must be well assured of  your relationship with Him as that of Father-child relationship.

Having established the fact that God is your Father, the second important factor to note is your Father's location. He is our Father who is in heaven.

Our Father in heaven.... He is not the earthly father who has limitation based on where he resides. This Father resides in heaven, hence He is not in anyway incapacitated by anything on earth or in heaven. He is sufficient! He is more than enough! He lives forever!

The location of your Father reveals the power and resources at His disposal. When you pray to Him, you must know that He's bigger than all the devils in hell. He is bigger than all your mountains. He can do and undo. He can bind and loose at will. He can open a door that no one can shut.

When you pray with the deep understanding of your Father's location-(heaven), it helps you to operate from above. 

Our Lord Jesus Christ operated with this sense of His Father's location all through His ministry while on earth. He teaches us to do same in Matthew  18:18;

 *"Verily I say unto you, Whatsoever ye shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever ye shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven"* 

The dwelling place of your Father is the determinant of his power and resources. If the God  who dwells in heaven is your Father, then ALL things are truly yours!

Bible Reading:Luke 11:1-13:


1.) Father God, I receive boldness to always come into your presence with the assurance of your Fatherhood over my life in Jesus name.


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