Text :  Matthew 22:37-38.

Jesus told him, “You must love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind”* 
This is the greatest and most important commandment.

God is a jealous God, and He would never share His glory with any. Infact, the bible says that His name is  JEALOUS! 
For you shall worship no other god, for the LORD, whose name is Jealous, is a jealous God._ Exodus 34:14.

Just as no man likes to share his wife with another man, in the same manner and much more, God does not like to share your heart, soul and mind with any other person or thing. He wants it all for Himself. 

God never takes second place. He is the first, and He will always want to be the first in your life.

 *Choosing to love God with all of your being is simply choosing life.* 
When you intentionally fall in love with God, you've simply fall in love with Life! 

God is a Spirit, hence the parameter for loving Him is not primarily based on the externalities, but on the inner being. 
When you love Him with all your heart, soul and mind, then you will be able to love Him with your strength as well.

As you commit your ALL unto God, He will also commits His ALL to you. The simple definition of  'obedience to God' is simply embedded in loving Him with your whole life. 

Loving God is reflected in your unreserved submission and obedience to His commands. 

As you commit your whole life in obedience to God's commands, you show to Him that you love Him.

Bible Reading: Mathew. 22:35-40.


1.) Father, In this new year, I yield my heart, soul, mind and strength to you in total surrender. 


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