Text : Matthew  2:1  

 *Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judaea in the days of Herod the king, behold, there came wise men from the east to Jerusalem,* 


Obviously, there was no car as at the time Jesus was born, their major means of transportation was by feet or on camels. According to Bible scholars,  the distance between Bethlehem where Jesus was born and the east where the visiting wise men came from was about 400 miles. 

Invariably, it took these wise men three weeks journey or more (if they travelled on camels) just so they can pay homage to the new born king. Yet people that lived in the same town as Him did not even know that a king was born. 

Just like in the days of the Magi, *it takes only wise men to know that a king was born, and it takes only wise men to worship Him.* 

The birth of Jesus was prophesied long before He came, many were actually expecting Him in Isreal at that time, yet, when He came, they didn't recognise Him nor worship Him.

Isaiah prophesied that Jesus will be born as a baby(Isaiah 9:6).

Micah prophesied that Jesus will be born in Bethlehem (Micah 5:2).

And many more prophecies about Him which were documented were not hidden to the Isrealites at that time, yet, they missed it when He came.

 *Events were unfolding before their very eyes, yet they couldn't see it because it takes a wise heart to decipher the things of the Spirit.* 

Thousands of years later, many are still not able to read the bold handwriting on the wall.

Today is a date set aside to celebrate the birth of the King of kings, yet not many people know exactly whom we are celebrating or how He should be celebrated.

The wise men left everything to honour and worship Jesus.

This celebration is all about honoring and worshipping Jesus. 

Note that they searched for him and found him before they can worship Him.

 *You can't worship what and who you don't know.* 

It's not enough to know that today is Christmas,  you must know the Christ who is the reason for the season. 

Give a meaningful worship to the King of Glory today and let this be your daily attitude. 




1.) Thank you Father for giving us your son, Jesus Christ.

2.) Father, let my life give quality worship to you, by honoring Jesus in all I do.

 *Bible Reading :* 

Matthew 2:1-12.

 *CHRIST IMAGE ASSEMBLY*  +233552057500, +233558355977



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