And David behaved himself wisely in all his ways; and the LORD was with him.
Solomon, the Son of king David asked for wisdom and understanding when He was enthroned as the successor of his Father.
"Give therefore thy servant an understanding heart to judge thy people, that I may discern between good and bad: for who is able to judge this thy so great a people?"
For Solomon to be asking for understanding simply affirms the fact that King David (his father) must have been a man of great wisdom and understanding himself.
David had always been making a constant practice of walking in wisdom and understanding long before he became the King of Israel. That was the difference between David and Solomon. It is better to daily make a practice of leadership lifestyle, than to acquire one at the point of emergence as a leader.
No matter how you carry yourself, whatever quality you did not develop before you occupy a leadership position cannot be grown overnight. This is the simple difference between David and Solomon's wisdom. While the former walked in wisdom and understanding as a lifestyle, the other got the wisdom while ascending the throne as a king. Their endings justify the type of wisdom they both possessed.
As a young man and woman, you must start exercising yourself in wisdom before you become a husband and wife; father and mother; or grandfather and grandmother.
A foolish boy or girl will eventually become a foolish man or woman if nothing is done to alter their behaviour.
David, being a wise young man at home, became a wise young man who delivered his father's sheep from the mouth of lion; he thereafter became a wise young man that killed Goliath. And he finally grew to become the wise King of Israel.
Just like David, you must learn to behave yourself wisely in all situations and before all men. Behaving yourself wisely will always guarantee you of God's manifest presence.
And David behaved himself wisely in all his ways; and the LORD was with him. (1 Samuel 18:14).
Hear what David says in Psalms 101:1&2: "I will sing of mercy and judgment: unto thee, O LORD, will I sing. I will behave myself wisely in a perfect way. O when wilt thou come unto me? I will walk within my house with a perfect heart"
The above scripture shows the context within which David behaved himself wisely. He behaved himself wisely in a perfect way, expecting the Lord to come to Him. This shows that David did not just behaved himself wisely in a mere sensual wisdom, but in a perfect wisdom which is from above. James 3:17.
1.) Father, grant me the wisdom to behave myself wisely in all situations.
Bible Reading: 1 Samuel 18:1-30.
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