Who is this that darkeneth counsel by words without knowledge?
There are times when you are just clueless about a particular situation in your life, or even about your whole life.
At such times, when you are being confronted with unprecedented circumstances, the question that easily comes to mind is: "Lord, why me?"
Instead of asking why you, you need grace to focus on the Lord's testimony about you. If you can't get His testimony about you, you will be in the dark not knowing exactly what God is doing with your life just like Job.
Job, a man from the East, who lived in the land of Uz, probably must have lived during the time of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob as some scholars established it. The bible affirmed God's testimony about him as an upright man, one who fears God and shuns evil. God said that there is none like Job on the earth" (Job 1:8).
This man called Job had a great testimony from the Lord. This is not a testimony from any man but from the Lord. The question you need to ponder on is; *What is the Lord's testimony about you today?*
You may be tempted to be concerned and drawn away about other people's testimony while neglecting God's testimony about you. This is a very wrong order. The right order is for you to first of all pay attention to what the Lord is saying about you. God's testimony about you is more important than any other.
Though, many are using this as an opportunity for reckless living, saying, " God sees my heart, hence, I don't care what other people say about me." The truth is, when you seek to receive God's testimony and approval, men around you will see your light shining brighter and brighter even unto the perfect day. (Proverbs 4:18).
Today I will like you to ponder on God's testimony about a man who lived in a time without Bible, Church, and speaking in tongues. He lived a life that is well pleasing unto God despite all the shortcomings of his time and generation.
1.) Father, grant me the grace, wisdom and strength to keep my calm and trust in you in times of difficulty, when I cannot understand what you are doing in my life.
Bible Reading: John 6:27-35.
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