Those who do wickedly against the covenant he shall corrupt with flattery; but the people who know their God shall be strong, and carry out great exploits.
The year 2023 shall be your year of great exploit in Jesus name. God has proclaimed it and it is confirmed by His prophet. All you need do is to believe the Lord and his prophet. Then, you shall prosper and be established.
"...Believe in the LORD your God, so shall ye be established; believe his prophets, so shall ye prosper"
2 Chronicles 20:20
From our study text, it is clear that before you can carry out great exploit, you must know your God.
Before we look at how you can know your God, let's quickly look at what great exploit is.
Exploit is a heroic or extraordinary deed. Great exploit then is an exceptional heroic or extraordinary deed.
Jesus Christ is our model. While on earth, he was a mighty man in deed and in word. He did great exploit; He raised the dead; He cast out devils; He walked on water; He fed five thousand with just five loaves of bread and two fish. He conquered death, sin and the devil. Jesus did what no man had done before.
While preparing to depart from the earth, He now declared to His disciples in John 14:12: "He that believes in me, the works that I do shall he do also; and greater works than these shall he do..."
Our Lord Jesus, having done great exploits, handed down same to all His followers. He declared that you will do greater exploits than He did. That's good news for you today. *If Jesus says anything, then you can do it! If He had said anything to you, then you can become it- it all depends on your willingness and obedience.* Isaiah 1:19.
The Lord is declaring to you today that year 2023 is your year of great exploit. As you believe and prepare for it, you shall do and walk in great exploit in the name of Jesus.
1.) Lord, strengthen me to do great exploit in the year 2023 in Jesus name.
Bible Reading: Judges 7:1-25
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