Text : Colossians 2:8.
Beware lest anyone cheat you through philosophy and empty deceit, according to the tradition of men, according to the basic principles of the world, and not according to Christ.
Once you have confessed Jesus Christ as your Saviour and your Lord, it is very important that you allow Him lead you and determine every details of your life.
*Christ, and Christ alone is more than enough.*
When you stay on Christ, you no longer draw your life principles from the philosophy or traditions of men. Christ simply becomes your standard and yardstick in all that you do.
So many people in the church today pray and hear God's words, but their day to day life are being guided by customs, traditions of men and rudiments of this world. They are Saints in the church, but another thing entirely in their homes and places of work.
They've got different faces. It ought not to be so! These are the people that are "Ever learning, and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth" 2 Timothy 3:7.
For you to be able to stay on Christ as your life core and foundation, it is not by merely going to church and doing church activities. No! Not at all!
Christ becomes your STAY, your ALL and the CORE of your life. By learning from Him, we become like Him. You see, I did not say, "learning about Him" If all you do is to learn about Christ, you will not become like Him.
In Matthew 11:29, Jesus invited all to take His yoke and learn from Him.
*"Take My yoke upon you and learn from Me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls."*
One thing you need to know is that *Jesus Christ is not one of the religious leaders that lived on earth. No, that's not true. He is simply God that came to the earth to model the ideal man and life for mankind.*
This is the reason you must stay on Him. He is the only man that has modelled how every single person on earth should truly live and serve God.
Would you allow Him teach you how to live as well?
Would you allow Him at the very core and centre of your life?
Would you allow Jesus Christ become your entire culture, custom and philosophy?
*If you are willing to make Jesus Christ your Lord indeed, then He must be LORD of ALL(every aspect of your life).*
*Bible Reading:*
Philipians 3:3-10.
1.) Father, help me to be able to discern the Lordship of Christ in a new way, so that I may always stay on Him as my all in all.
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