Text : Matthew 5:6.
When he saw Jesus from a distance, he ran and fell down in front of him,
It is wisdom to run to Him who has power to help you, infact, it is foolishness to hide from such.
When Jesus demanded to know the name of the demon that possessed the popular mad man of Gadarene, in response, the demons said "Legion", for they were many. Mark 5:9.
In military terms, a legion is a unit or division of the army, usually comprising up to 3000 to 6000 infantry soldiers.
So if we are to go by the least statistics, about 3,000 demons reside in this man alone. This explains why he can't be tamed. Mark 5:3-4.
However, when this man saw Jesus (even though from a distance), the Bible says he ran towards Jesus. Now, this is a supposedly possessed man who wasn't really in control of his senses, yet he ran to Jesus.
While this man was running to Jesus, the demons were still inside him. That is, he ran to Jesus with his problems. He wasn't waiting for his problems to be solved before he can have time for his maker.
Offen, I hear people say they will get more serious with God after so and so is done or accomplished. This is the devil's ploy to keep you away from your true source of help.
If the demon-possessed man can run to Jesus with all the demons in him, you are truly without excuse. Carry yourself and your troubles and challenges to Jesus and He will set you free.
Bible reading: Mark 5:1-20.
1.) Father God, grant me the grace to carry myself to you regardless of the situation.
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