TEXT : Jeremiah 8:22
Is there no balm in Gilead; is there no physician there? why then is not the health of the daughter of my people recovered?
One of the major signs that you have been healed from hurts is your willingness to become an healing agent yourself. If you have been healed, God expects you to become an agent of healing in your circle of influence and community at large.
The demon-possessed man of the Gadarene did not just receive deliverance, but Jesus gave him a ministry to become a healing agent.
Though he desired to follow Jesus, but was asked to go to his friends. Mark 5:19 says "...Jesus did not permit him, but said to him, "Go home to your friends, and tell them what great things the Lord has done for you, and how He has had compassion on you."
Jesus gave this man a ministry to go home to his friends to do 2 things:
1. Tell them what great things the Lord has done: The Lord would have you go to your circle of influence and tell them about the great things He has done for you. *A closed mouth is a closed destiny; when you refused to share your testimony, many people around will not be able to believe God, and thereby gain access into their destiny.*
2. How He has had compassion on you: If you have truly received God's mercy and grace, you cannot but share with others. Keeping your testimony of deliverance and healing to yourself is being ungrateful to God.
Telling of God's faithfulness in your life open you up to greater miracles. The more you tell of His goodness, the more you see more of His good works in your life.
One major lesson the Lord is teaching us through the man of Gadarene is that He wants to raise more witnesses than benchwarmers in the church today.
Jesus wants you to go and be a blessing to people around you rather than sitting around Him waiting for bread to drop on your lap.
Bible reading:Mark 5:1-20.
1.) Father God, make me a great source of blessing to my family, community and my world at large.
2. Father God, give me the grace to be a true witness to your love and saving grace in this adulterous generation.
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