Text : Psalms 23:2
He makes me lie down in green pastures. He leads me beside still waters.
When the Lord Himself is your shepherd, then you have everything you need.
One of His responsibilities as your shepherd is to make you lie down in green pastures.
Normally, sheep only lie down when they want to sleep or rest. But when the Shepherd makes them lie in green pastures, it suggests that the shepherd creates enclosures where the sheep can rest at night in safety, as well as eat. In this sense, the green pasture is a place for us to rest under the shepherd's (God's) watchful eye.
That is, even while you are resting securely under the able watching guard of the Shepherd, you are also assured of adequate provision.
This is the kind of Shepherding the Lord provides for His own.
In as much as you belong to His fold, you have absolutely nothing to worry about for He will always provide for your need.
Note that He is the one doing the leading. The text says: "He (the Shepherd), makes me lie down in green pastures". He can't force you to lie down if you don't want to. You must be willing to submit to His leadings.
Also, He is the one leading you to the still waters.The words 'still waters' are coined from hebrew language -mee menuchoth which means, "restful waters or refreshment" This means that the Shepherd will always lead you to places where you will find rest for your soul.
*All you need do is follow His leadings. He is a good Shepherd, and He cares for you more than you can care for yourself.*
Bible reading: Psalms 23:1-6.
1.) Father God, I commit my ways to you, knowing well that you will order my steps through and to the right path.
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