Text: John 14:27
Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
The world we live in today is a broken world, this is because man broke his relationship with God in the Garden of Eden.
Since the world is broken, Peace (Shallom) has become a scarce commodity in our world. There is no peace between man and God; no peace between man and man; no peace even within a man as a being; no peace between man and the creations. Peace was taken away the moment Adam and Eve sinned.
This was the reason Jesus came to the world to restore Peace! Truly, Jesus is the answer for the world today. Above Him there is no other. Jesus is the Way.
It's now an individual choice to accept or reject the Peace Jesus offers. The peace this world offers you is no peace in anyway. *Nothing in this world can give a man lasting Peace of Mind. *Only God is our Shallom(Peace).*
When you critically look at the efforts of man to bring peace to his world, you will realise that man cannot restore perfect peace on earth. All the international organisations that were established to bring peace at different fronts are now clueless themselves.
We needed Peace during covid 19, but the World Health Organisation(WHO) could not provide one. Covid 19 had a good ride until Shallom came from the very God of Peace Himself. UNO has not been able to put an end to wars within and and amongst Nations. IMF (International Monetary Fund)could not bring peace to the world's economy. They have no true peace to offer any Nation that is being ravaged by underdevelopment. Even the governments of Nations have no tangible peace to offer her citizens.
Hence, *_Jesus said, "Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth..."John 14:27_*
*As a true child of God, you do not need to be frightened by any situation in this world, you must come to understand that God, our Peace(Shallom)is at work in you. Just rest in His Peace!*
Jesus further said in _John 14:27, "...Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid"_
When you are in want of anything, the first thing that you need is PEACE. When Peace is present within you in turbulent and trying times, you will surely overcome.
Once your mind is guarded against anxieties and worries, that means Peace is at home in your heart, then you are ready for the Lord's intervention in your life
*Are you in need of peace today? Turn to Jesus and pour out your anxieties and worries before Him. Lay them down at His feet*
*Bible Reading* : John 14:27-31.
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