Text: 1 John 2:16
*For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father, but is of the world.*
The last content of "All that is in the world" we shall be looking at today is Pride of life.
*The motive behind many people's strive for achievements and status is pride of life.*
In Genesis 3:6, Eve saw the tree (of the knowledge of good and evil) as a _tree desirable to make one wise_ , she took of its fruit and ate. She also gave to her husband with her, and he ate.
Eve and Adam took from the tree because of their desire to be wise. The serpent had deceived them.
The very people that were created in the likeness and image of God had been deceived. Satan lied to them that their eyes needed to be opened to be like God. That was a great deception you know.
He deceived them by painting this lies: " _For God knows that in the day you eat of it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil."_ Genesis 3:5
For instance, the simple reason many acquire several academic degrees and titles is for pride of life and not for service to humanity. They achieve status not because they want to serve, but for their own ego. They wanted to be addressed by titles. If you dare miss out their titles while addressing them, they won't take it lightly with you at all.
What are you seeking to achieve or become in life? What's the essence for this pursuit? Is it to satisfy your pride or to serve humanity.
*Pride of life is a subtle work of the devil that is making many seek for achievements and status outside of God.*
Satan threw same temptation(which Adam and Eve failed) at Jesus. He told him to prove his Sonship by throwing himself down from Jerusalem. Devil tempted Jesus to pride in His Sonship. Jesus simply refused his offer by telling him not to tempt the Lord God.
*Do not prove any point to anyone with your life, simply live to glorify and honour God with your life*
*Bible Reading:* Luke 4:1-12
Father Lord, grant me grace to overcome pride of life in Jesus name.
*CHRIST IMAGE ASSEMBLY,* +233241109074, +233558355977
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