Text: James 1:25.

 *But whoso looketh into the perfect law of liberty, and continueth therein, he being not a forgetful hearer, but a doer of the work, this man shall be blessed in his deed.* 

 *No one looks into the mirror expecting to see the reflection of another person,  the word of God is like a mirror,  how much of yourself are you seeing there?* 

The word of God is a mirror. When you look into it, you are expected to see yourself and make ammendments. 

James 1:23&24 say, if anyone hears the word but is not obedient to it, he is like a man who looks at himself in a mirror,  and studies himself carefully, and then goes off and immediately forgets what he looks like.

On a norms, when you look at yourself in the mirror and noticed some imperfections be it in your dressing or your body, the normal thing to do is to right the wrongs. 

It will be sheer madness to look at yourself in the mirror and refused to make adjustments where such is obviously needed. 

Same goes for spiritual reflection. A number of times, when the word of God comes to you, there is a tendency to receive it for another person. 

That's why Jesus asked in Matthew 7:3 that  “Why do you see the speck in your brother’s eye but fail to notice the beam in your own eye?

To look at yourself in the mirror of God's word and refused to make ammendments is simply to refuse to obey whatsoever He commands you.

For if anyone hears the word but is not obedient to it, he is like a man who looks at himself in a mirror.

The word of God is a mirror,  it shows you your wrong and shortcomings. Instead  of running from it, embrace it and receive grace to do all that it commands you.


1. Father God, as I  look into the perfect law of liberty,  please give me the grace to see myself how you see me and align myself accordingly. 

 *Bible Reading* 


James 1: 16-25.


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