Text: Revelation 2:4
*Nevertheless I have [this] against you, that you have left your first love.*
Our Lord Jesus Christ delivered seven letters to the seven churches in Asia, present-day Turkey, through the hands of seven angels unto John. It is worthy to note that all the seven churches are located quite close to one another. This means that many churches/believers can be in the same city and be responding to God's commands at different frequency.
The messages to these seven churches remain ever-true messages for churches(Believers) throughout all ages. Hence, we must pay close attention to each of the messages so we will not fall victim of the same predicament.
For the church in Ephesus, Jesus has this to say:
1."I know your works,
2. I know your labor,
3. I know your patience, and
4. I know that you cannot bear those who are evil.
5.And you have tested those who say they are apostles and are not, and have found them liars;
6. You have persevered,
7.You have labored for My name's sake and have not become weary.
This church appears to be lacking in nothing except in their departure from their "First Love".
*God is a lover and He desires that all wouod love Him unreservedly above all else.*
Many don't even understand what *first love is* because they have not fallen in love with God at any point in time. So the point to start for many is to come into God's love. This is the point where God is all your world. He is all you've got. He's all your pleasure.He's all your Joy. He's all your priority. He's all you really want to live and die for.
*Accepting God's love is the starting point to discovering God's Love, keeping and abiding in His love is what you need to always remain in the First Love.*
For instance, the likelihood of keeping first love in most marriages proves somewhat difficult, but any couple that work hard and walk with the Lord will find grace to radiate the glory of first love even in their old age. Many, after many years in marriage turns their first love from their spouses to their job, children, grandchildren etc. As a result, the first love wanes in the process of time.
This is the same scenario in our walk with the Lord. As time passes by, believers often throw their first love for the Lord on ministries, good works to men, religious activities, culture, traditions and other things.
*If your service or work for the Lord does not proceed from your Love for Him, the Lord will not derive pleasure from such service.*
May you find Grace to return to your first love with the Lord today in Jesus name.
*Bible Reading*
Revelation 2:1-7.
+233241109074, +233558355977 https://hisvoicedevotional.blogspot.com
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