Text: Psalms 121:2
*My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth!*
*Real, lasting and true help only comes from the Lord.* Any help that is not sent from and by the Lord will not be able to resolve your problems. The Psalmist knew this too well and he prayed thus: *Give us help from trouble: for vain is the help of man(Psalms 60:11).* Man may give you help, but it will not achieve so much if God is not in it, in fact the Psalmist said that help from man is vain.
Though God will not come down physically to help you, but he does send His help to us through man and angelic assistance. *When you realise that all your help comes from God, you will become more frequent and fervent in prayers,* for that is the only surest medium to receiving help from God.
There is no single man on the earth that does not need help on a continuous basis. The only difference is that some admit their need for help while some don't. Those who admit their need for help are "the humble" and those who do not are "the proud" *While the humble always look up to God for help, the proud is always sufficient in himself.*
Just as it is not possible to look up and down simultaneously, so also you cannot be looking unto God and man for help at the same time. Though, God will use a medium to help you, but you must not set your gaze on any man for help. Several reasons will always bring about dissapointment when your gaze is always set on man for help.
Are you in need of help today?
Have you trusted in man's help and you have been dissapointed? I have a good news for you. Jesus, the great Helper is always and readily available to help you. He will arrive just in time. He will fix you up. He will truly give you a lasting help.
Help is on the way for you TODAY!
1. Father Lord, forgive me for trusting in the help of man.
2. Father Lord, send me your help today.
*Bible Reading*
2King 19:1-37
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