Text: *Matthew 24:33*
*So likewise ye, when ye shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors.*
One major truth you must sleep and wake with is that the coming of the Lord is nearer than ever before. The book of Mathew(chapter 24) is very explicit and detailed about the series of events and signs that will be preceeding Jesus's second coming and end of this world.
If you read through the book(Matt 24), you will realise that all of the signs predicted by our Lord are being fulfilled right in our days. They are also being fulffiled in a progressive manner. If you are Christ follower, you must sit up and if you are yet to be one, you must make up your mind now. Tommorrow is always not yours, so make up your mind today. *While it is said, To day if ye will hear his voice, harden not your hearts, as in the provocation.(Heb. 3:15).*
Our Lord Jesus Christ gave His disciples one major key which we also must keep as disciples. He told them: "When you shall see all these things, know that it is near, even at the doors" Mathew 24:33. *Hey! Wake up! We are in the last times, and not just last days.*
There are deceptions everywhere, many have risen and many are still rising in Christ's name. False prophets are everywhere deceiving people and many are being deceived. Wars and rumours of wars are being heard almost everyday. No peace anywhere. Earthquakes, pestilence,and famine are familiar terms with humanity today. Followers of our Lord Jesus Christ are being persecuted and killed for the sake of the gospel. Iniquity is on the increase, hence, love of many are waxing cold day by day.
All these signs and more are daily being fulfilled. Jesus therefore warned his followers to watch and pray.
*Take ye heed, watch and pray: for ye know not when the time is.* Mark 13:3.
One of the greatest deceits the church can be involved in today is, to be thinking that the world will one day become a better place. No, this is not our message. *The church is supposed to be getting people ready for Christ taking over the kingdom of this world, instead of its betterment. We were promised a new earth and not a better world.*
*" ....The kingdoms of this world are become the kingdoms of our Lord, and of his Christ; and he shall reign for ever and ever"* Revelation 11:15 .
BIBLE READING: Mathew 24:1-35.
1. Father, help me to be watchful unto the day of your second coming.
2. LORD, Give me the grace to daily follow you even in the midst of difficulties and distractions.
*CHRIST IMAGE ASSEMBLY* +233546618338, +233558355977 https://hisvoicedevotional.blogspot.com
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